Our hearts are one of the hardest working organs we've got, but how do they work? Cardiologist Rohin Francis tells us how... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Naked Body: The uterus and placenta
Both the uterus and placenta are remarkable organs, but how do they work? Kirsty McIntyre and Emma Lofthouse fill us in...The placenta is the crucial link between the mother and developing foetus. It's an organ that performs all the functions that the unborn baby cannot do for itself, like getting oxygen, and nutrients. There's nothing for the unborn baby to eat or breathe, after all.The placenta begins to develop when the fertilised egg attaches to the wall of the mother's womb, or uterus, and will ultimately connect to the foetus through the umbilical cord.In the uterus, the growing foetus... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Naked Body: Sparking synapses
Synapses sit between nerves, to send the message across. We couldn't function without them, but how do they work? Mark Dallas provided this answer... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Naked Body: Shivers down the spine
The spinal cord is the highway running down your back that sends messages up and down, but how does it work? David Parker sent us in this... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
Naked Body: The physiology of pregnancy
What happens to the body when getting ready to bring a whole new person into the world? Lara Morley wrote us this answer... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists