Talks on Buddhist Suttas by Bhante Vimalaramsi and Delson Armstrong- A variety of suttas is discussed and what they mean. We teach Tranquil Wisdom Insight Medit...
Guided Metta Meditation with Delson Armstrong Sept 2024
A beginner's guided meditation that Delson did Sept 2024 during a retreat.
Day 1 Sept Zoom Retreat - Guided Med. Then Instructions.
Delson did a zoom retreat Sept 2024. First he does a guided meditation and then follows up with instructions for the meditators for the balance of the retreat.
A separate Guided Only Meditation without instructions is also available.
The Link of Craving or Tanha - The DO series with Delson Armstrong
9-1-24 DO SERIES with Delson Armstrong
Craving or Desire is the origin of all suffering. What is it in terms of dependent origination.
The Link of Clinging or Upadana - The DO series with Delson Armstrong
The Link of Clinging or 'thinking and grasping' Upadana
Based on the book "Clinging" by Delson Armstrong
The Link of Birth or Jati -The DO Series w/Delson Armstrong
The link of Birth - Jati - Part of the Dependent Origination series based on Delson Armstrong's book.
Talks on Buddhist Suttas by Bhante Vimalaramsi and Delson Armstrong- A variety of suttas is discussed and what they mean. We teach Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation (TWIM) . We teach the BrahmaVihara Metta (Lovingkindness) practice with the goal of attaining Nibbana in this very life.