Kelly Chase is the host of The UFO Rabbit Hole Podcast and the author of a series of books by the same name. In this new podcast, she sits down with friends, co...
Ep 4: Darren (AKA ExoAcademian) Point Of Convergence & Liminal Phrames
In this episode I sat down with the newly unveiled ExoAcademian, AKA Darren, host of the Point of Convergence podcast and co-host of the Liminal Phrames podcast (all links below). Darren’s work is focused on consciousness, and specifically around the convergence of contact modalities used to engage the UFO phenomenon. His level-headed, academic approach to the exploration of consciousness, UFOs, and psi phenomena has made him an important voice in the UFO community. I was particularly interested to talk to Darren about how his exploration of the phenomenon has shaped his beliefs and his path. In a recent interview on Engaging The Phenomenon (linked below), he talked about the synchronistic orchestration he experienced that brought new purpose and direction to his life. Many who pursue this line of inquiry find themselves undergoing this kind of profound transformation—myself included—and I was eager to get Darren’s perspective on this intriguing aspect of the phenomenon. We covered a wide-range of other topics including: -Darren’s recent involvement in an invitation-only HICE at The Monroe Institute with fellow researchers, contactees, and members of the military and intelligence communities -How to recognize and experiment with your own psi abilities -The hitchhiker effect -How prime contactees attract the phenomenon -Whether there are risks associated with CE5/HICE and how to protect yourself -Who is behind the phenomenon -And much more I really enjoyed this conversation. Thank you, Darren, for your time. If Darren’s work is new to you, I’d encourage you to subscribe to his YouTube channel and follow him on Twitter. FOLLOW EXO/DARREN ExoAcademian YouTube ChannelTwitterMENTIONED IN THE EPISODE ExoAcademian/Darren interview on Engaging The PhenomenonDr. Diana Pasulka interview on Theories of EverythingThe Monroe InstituteMUSIC “The Uh Experiment” by RimskyMusicGET IN TOUCH TwitterFacebookWebsiteSUPPORT THE PODCAST Become A Patron
Ep 3: Cristina Gomez, Shifting The Paradigm
In this conversation, I spoke with UFO YouTuber and researcher, Cristina Gomez. Cristina is the creative force behind the Shifting The Paradigm Youtube channel, and is undeniably one of the hardest working creators in the space.As a member of Gen Z, Cristina is passionate about bringing the UFO/UAP topic to a whole new generation, while her high-quality research allows those who have been studying these things for years to still enjoy her content while learning something new. In this conversation we discuss the inexhaustible passion that drives Cristina in her work, her take on the current state of the disclosure movement, favorite cryptids, and much more. And for the first time, Cristina shares the story of conducting one of her very first interviews with Lou Elizondo and how they struck up a friendship. If you’re not already a subscriber, please consider subscribing to Cristina’s channel. You can find a link with all of her information below.FOLLOW CRISTINA GOMEZ IN TOUCH TwitterFacebookWebsiteSUPPORT THE PODCAST Become A PatronOTHER LINKS MENTIONED ON THE SHOW Sasquatch Chronicles PodcastTheories Of Everything with Curt Jaimungal Interview With Garry Nolan:Cristina’s Interview With Jessica Jones
Ep 2: Sean Raasch, Witness Citizen
In this episode of The Rabbit Hole Conversations, I spoke with Sean Raasch—a UFO researcher, musician, and the mind behind the Witness Citizen Youtube channel (links below). I’m a big fan of Sean’s work and his approach to his research, and it was great to get the opportunity to pick his brain. In this conversation we discuss the experience that started Sean’s journey down the UFO Rabbit Hole, the importance of maintaining both objectivity and integrity, the future of the disclosure movement, and more. Sean is truly a gentleman and a scholar, and I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. If you haven’t already, please consider showing Sean your support by subscribing to his Youtube channel. It’s a fantastic resource for anyone interested in the UFO/UAP phenomenon. FOLLOW SEAN RAASCH:Subscribe to Witness CitizenFollow Witness Citizen on TwitterGET IN TOUCH TwitterFacebookWebsiteSUPPORT THE PODCAST Become A Patron
Ep 1: Erik Schlimmer, UAP Therapist
On the very first episode, I’ll be talking to Erik Schlimmer, a certified therapist who only a year ago didn’t believe in UAPs. But following the Pentagon’s stunning report delivered to Congress in June of last year confirming that UAPs are real, Erik began his own trip down the rabbit hole. Now he hopes to leverage his expertise to offer support to experiencers of the phenomenon who need help processing trauma and navigating the stigma surrounding their encounter.In our conversation we talk ab out the challenges that experiencers face in being taken seriously by mental health professionals, the weaponized stigma surrounding the UFO phenomenon, how disclosure could impact mental health, and more.MORE ABOUT THE GUEST: Erik Schlimmer is a licensed therapist working out of Colorado Springs, Colorado, at Willow Creek Wellness. The best way to reach Erik is through his Twittter account. Follow Erik On TwitterCheck Out Erik's New PodcastIn the MUSIC: The Uh Experiment by Rimsky Music GET IN TOUCH TwitterFacebookWebsiteSUPPORT THE PODCAST Become A Patron
Kelly Chase is the host of The UFO Rabbit Hole Podcast and the author of a series of books by the same name. In this new podcast, she sits down with friends, colleagues, creators, and experiencers in the realm of UFOs, consciousness, and high strangeness in a series of intimate conversations to discuss their own personal journeys down the rabbit hole. PRAISE FOR THE UFO RABBIT HOLE PODCAST*Finally!*“Kelly Chase has done what so many others have failed miserably at: discuss this topic reasonably. This subject’s landscape is littered with overinflated egos carrying on about what they claim to know and how you’d respond if only you knew what they knew to interviewers who eagerly enable their dangerously self-serving rhetoric. Enter Kelly Chase, a genuinely curious host who questions everything and claims nothing. Her approach is the best I’ve encountered anywhere.”—ANewLeif via Apple Podcasts · USA · 09/03/22*The best podcast on the topic*“This is hands down the best UFO podcast around. Each episode is incredibly well researched and has a nice balance of belief and skepticism, Kelly is an incredible storyteller and she manages to easily and clearly explain complicated concepts that some struggle with. I’m convinced that if she were to turn her episode scripts into a book, it would be a bestseller.”—DevilBoi69x via Apple Podcasts · USA · 08/31/22*Finally, a UFO deep-dive that feels authentic!*“I love this topic, but it also attracts a lot of kooks due to the highly interpretive subject matter. It’s been difficult to find creators that feel like they’re doing their absolute best to remain unbiased and drive us closer to the source of truth. Kelly does an excellent job of getting us further into the rabbit hole without compromising her integrity or the trust of her audience. From the very first episode I could tell this was going to be a fun and fascinating ride, and so far I’m hooked!”—Tt0n0 via Apple Podcasts · USA · 10/14/22*Brilliant!*“This is absolutely brilliant! The integration of UFO information with philosophy has been transformative. I have leaned so much and, more importantly, think about our world in a new way.”—Von Economo via Apple Podcasts · USA · 09/30/22*Highly Intelligent Analysis*“Coming from someone who has spent tens of thousands of hours researching this field, this was a refreshing delight. Dissecting this already extremely complex field is really hard. How does one lay out information on a topic which no one actually knows what’s going on? Well Kelly does a wonderful job covering the vast array of very interesting linked topics.”—Timfdkbshvcd via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 09/22/22*Brilliant podcast on the phenomenon!*“I’ve recently discovered this podcast and want to tell everyone I know to listen to it! It’s a brilliant show for absolute beginners but also for the UFO enthusiast. Kelly is so thoughtful & mapped out a vision for how to unfold this insanely complex topic. She shares many perspectives on the topic, weaving in her own synthesis and opinions as well. She is light hearted and witty while also being a fantastic researcher.”—Hathor1320 via Apple Podcasts · USA · 09/20/22