Romp is the podcast dedicated to the board games released by Leder Games! Join Hunter Donaldson and Matt Martens as they dig into the strategy, homebrew, and di...
Matt and Hunter pick up where they left off with their Blighted Reach overview! This week we go deeper into Summits and Flagships with particular attention paid to some very interesting and odd Flagship interactions. The last 20 minutes of the episode were recorded in an empty apartment so please excuse the echo while we are transitioning into a new home studio, thank you for giving our show a chance!
Come see us Live on March 27th in Minneapolis:
This show is produced by Horse House and Hosted by Matt Martens and Hunter Donaldson
Special thanks to Kyle Ferrin for our podcast art. You can see more of Kyle's work at
Our theme is by Ben Prunty who you can check out at
000: "What is Romp?"
The final episode of our "Welcome to Romp" arc wherein you meet the boys and learn of their mission! Within this episode we joke around a lot, introduce ourselves, and give you all a rough road map of what we'll be talking about in the first year of the show. Thank you for supporting this new venture, WE LOVE YOU.
This show is produced by Horse House and Hosted by Matt Martens and Hunter Donaldson
Special thanks to Kyle Ferrin for our podcast art. You can see more of Kyle's work at
Our theme is by Ben Prunty who you can check out at
-001: Arcs The Blighted Reach Overview *SCPT SUPERCUT*
And we're back with our final look back into the Space Cats Peace Turtles feed. This time Matt and Hunter sit down for two discussions about the Blighted Reach. This is very instructional and useful information if you haven't checked out the Blighted Reach expansion yet this serves as a wonderful primer and it's great table-setting for where Romp will go in the coming weeks. Check it out and get ready because this show truly begins next week!
03:10 - Arcs The Blighted Reach: Learn to Learn (Learn to Learn is what we call an episode that teaches you how to learn a board game before you start)
57:22 - Arcs The Blighted Reach: The Empire, The Blight, and You!
This show is produced by Horse House and Hosted by Matt Martens and Hunter Donaldson
Special thanks to Kyle Ferrin for our podcast art. You can see more of Kyle's work at
Our theme is by Ben Prunty who you can check out at
-002: Arcs Leaders Guides *SCPT SUPERCUT*
Can you believe how long this episode is? We're very proud to finally have reached the final frontier of YouTube video essay length content. In this blistering feast of strategic content you'll listen to many different perspectives on playing base game Arcs from every possible Leader. We even sometimes talk about all of the Lore you could possibly combine with said Leader, it's a lot but trust me it's a worthwhile journey if you haven't already plunged into the depths of the Space Cats Peace Turtles backlog. DIG IN!
Our guests:
E.J. Sanders who is just some guy we like.
Tom Brewster of
Joshua Yearsley of
Lord of the Board of
4:06 - Agitator
43:66 - Quatermaster
1:14:20 - Noble
1:53:07 - Upstart
2:18:53 - Rebel
2:48:30 - Overseer
3:31:55 - Mystic
3:59:44 - Archivist
4:59:20 - Demagogue
5:28:26 - Anarchist
5:56:03 - Elder
6:30:31 - Shaper
6:58:03 - Fuel Drinker
7:16:14 - Corsair
7:43:00 - Warrior
8:18:45 - Feastbringer
8:52:45 - Base Game Finale
This show is produced by Horse House and Hosted by Matt Martens and Hunter Donaldson
Special thanks to Kyle Ferrin for our podcast art. You can see more of Kyle's work at
Our theme is by Ben Prunty who you can check out at
-003: Arcs Base Game Overview *SCPT SUPERCUT*
Welcome to ROMP!
If you are reading this then it looks like our new podcast has gotten into your life. For our first upload we're reaching back into the Space Cats Peace Turtles backlog and extracting some tasty nuggets of data that we will build our new show upon. This episode will cover all of the basic rules and concepts of base game Arcs. If you already know how to play Arcs then the best this can do for you is offer a refresher but if you don't already know then lemme tell ya, this is almost four hours of overview! I hope it helps you learn this wonderful game and I hope it makes you smile.
3:15 - Learn to Learn Arcs
1:02:08 - Actions and Ambitions
2:28:54 - Resources and the Court Deck
This show is produced by Horse House and Hosted by Matt Martens and Hunter Donaldson
Special thanks to Kyle Ferrin for our podcast art. You can see more of Kyle's work at
Our theme is by Ben Prunty who you can check out at
Romp is the podcast dedicated to the board games released by Leder Games! Join Hunter Donaldson and Matt Martens as they dig into the strategy, homebrew, and discourse surrounding games like Arcs, Root, Ahoy, Vast, Oath, and Fort.