New Printers!, Bambu Failures, Newbie 3D Print Resources and MORE!!!
This Episodes Questions:
I enjoy listening to your podcast!
I have four Bambu Lab printers, each with its own issue as to why the printer is not working.
There are connectors with corresponding pins which constantly fail when having to pull out the pin to clear a clog, change a nozzle, or install a replacement part. I align the pin properly within the connector BUT it doesn't 'catch'. How do I remedy this issue apart from throwing all four printers out of the third floor window of my home?
Yours truly,
A very frustrated BL owner.
I am new to the 3-D printer world and I just put in my pre-order for the Elegoo Centauri Carbon today. I have never done any 3-D printing and have minimal experience with Shapr3d generating 3-D models. What recommendations do you have for me to research/study so I can hit the ground running when my printer should arrive this summer. I am also a new listener so if you have any episodes you can reference for me to focus on that would be helpful. Thank you for keeping this podcast going.
Flsun S1 Woes, Creality Parts, Orca Printer Profiles and MORE!!!
JJ, Jerry and Guy have a great conversation on a lot of different topics. New printers, printer issues and other fun 3d printing things.
Best Hobbyist Printer?, Speed Vs. Quality?, First Printer and MORE!!!
This Episodes Questions:
Hello to a fellow Hoosier and the J's,
I have almost bought a printer for at least 15 years, almost bought a makerbot, almost bought a RepRap, but always got discouraged at their difficulty to use. I put purchasing one on the back burner. In December 2024 I purchased a Bambu P1S. This printer is great and just works. But, it's boring. I need to tinker. I'm just a hobbyist at this point. I can see making and selling stuff down the road. My question is which printer on the market now is in need of more user input to operate? Something more equivalent to driving a manual transmission versus an automatic.
Just found your podcast and I’m binging it from the beginning forward.
I apologize if you’ve tackled this before-
As a very low volume hobbyist, I find myself infrequently printing one or two of a small item I’ve identified a need for.
Here, time, within reason, is no issue. I dont really care if a part takes 2 hours or 6 hours to print. Print quality, however, is an issue. So I’d sacrifice a great deal of speed to get better quality on the first try
Do you have advice for settings that prioritize quality over speed? Thank you!! Gregory
I am looking at a flashforge 5m pro, k1c, or flsun t1 pro as a first printer. All three are very close in cost. I have some cnc experience but no 3d printing experience. I am looking for a fast way to prototype and will eventually want to use nylon and cf materials. I would love a bigger printer but believe it is probably better to stay small for now.
Things I care about.
1. Ease of use. Easily number one.
2. Safety/ filtering, although I know i can add filters.
3. Consistency
4. Versatility.
5. I'm not interested in bambu.
Again, thanks for your time and love the podcast. Appreciate any insight you can give me.
Cheers. Lewis
What is Bambu Labs Doing?
Guy, JJ and Jerry discuss the latest drama from Bambu Labs.
Is My Printer a Fire Hazard?, 3D Printing for the Woodshop, Guy talks about Glue Again, and MORE!!!
This Episodes Questions:
I picked up a cheap elegoo Neptune 4 pro on sale so I would have a fast way to kick out some PLA chotchkes for the kids. It was pretty fast and good, until some screws came loose on the hot end, and I while I was realigning the hotend and re-fastening the screws, something happened that caused the heater to go into runaway heating.
Basically what I think happened is I wiggled the heater cartridge wires and they shorted out and "fused" the MOSFET for the heater which is on the main board.
What is incredible is that this small electrical component failed "open" meaning anytime the power is on to the machine, it's pushing 100% power into the heater with no way to shut off. Is this normal? Because it seems really stupid! I've seen on some main-boards they advertise replaceable MOSFET modules and didn't really understand why. But, is this really something normal users should have to worry about? It's a super bad fire hazard to have the heater fail-"unsafe". Have you seen this with many other brands? Should I have known this could happen? Did I just miss seeing this lesson during my research on twitter and youtube because I came into the hobby in the last couple of years? It's scary.
Hello Guy, JJ, and Jerry ! I’m a recently new listener to the Podcast and I throughly have been enjoying the episodes. I currently have a Bambu Labs P1P printer and have been 3D printing since the pandemic with the Ender-3 line of printers, also I have been woodworking with my father even since I was a little boy. Now that I’m older I was wondering how I could incorporate my two hobbies to improve my woodworking experience. I have a pretty big lab and I have a Grizzly Sliding Table Saw, Grizzly Bandsaw, Miter saws, routers, drill presses, Jointer, Lathe, and a vacuum. Another sub-question I have is about wood glue and what filaments would be better or worse. Thank you all for your help!!