Short guided meditations to calm your anxiety, overcome negative thinking, increase your confidence, and more. Don’t think you have the time, or mental focus, t...
This is a great meditation for depression, as well as just feeling sad, down or "blue." While meditations are not a substitute for medical help when we are suffering from depression, practices like this one can support your biochemistry in healing. How you think affects how you feel, which affects your biochemistry. Practicing shifting out of the patterns of thoughts and feelings that cause you to feel bad can really help minimize that downward spiral.
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Music by Chel Hamilton
Gentle Venting Meditation
Vent out negative thoughts and/or feelings like anger, fear, sadness, and even stress and enter into a place of calm neutral power instead.
Episode brought to you by Beam. Try Beam's Dream Powder and get up to 40% off for a limited time. Go to and use code MINIS at checkout. Drift into deep, restorative sleep—Dream by Beam will guide you there.
Music by Chel Hamilton
Good Day! 🌞 Affirmation Meditation
Here's an affirmation style meditation you can use to create (or REcreate) your own GOOD DAY no matter what other people or situations throw at you. 😀
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Music by Chel Hamilton
Floating and Melting [for Relaxation or Sleep]
This is a great guided meditation to fall asleep to... or to use for deep relaxation. Get the extended version (plus 2 more extended meditations for relaxation and sleep) on Apple Music or Amazon Music today.
This episode is brought to you by Beam. Try Beam’s best-selling Dream Powder & get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to and use code MINIS at checkout. Better sleep has NEVER tasted better!
Music by Chel Hamilton
Simple Sleep Meditation
This meditation is meant to be used to fall asleep. That said, you can also use it as a deep relaxer, or power nap meditation. 😴
Episode brought to you by Shopify. Sign up for your one-dollar-per-month trial period at ALL LOWERCASE to upgrade your selling today.
Music by Chel Hamilton
Short guided meditations to calm your anxiety, overcome negative thinking, increase your confidence, and more. Don’t think you have the time, or mental focus, to meditate? Most of these mind-shifting meditations are 10 minutes or less. Soothe your stress away and feel better fast with this award winning guided meditation podcast by Hypnotherapist Chel Hamilton today.
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Please Note: The meditations presented in this podcast are from a wide variety of sources and do not subscribe to any particular ideology. Please do not listen to this meditation podcast or any other guided meditations while doing something that requires your complete driving your car.