Descriptions of effective teaching often depict an idealized form of "perfect" instruction. Yet, pursuing perfection in teaching, which depends on children's be...
Applying Lessons Learned in HR to Being a Superintendent with Gabe Simon
Dr. Gabriel Simon took an unconventional path to becoming a district superintendent. He spent over a decade as a successful principal before serving briefly as a Superintendent/Principal in a small rural district. He then transitioned back the district office as an Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, where he worked as the Assistant Superintendent in three different districts.In this episode I chat with Dr. Simon about what he learned dealing with parents, teachers, and unitions during his years in HR that has helped him in his new role leading a K-12 district.Dr. Simon is the author of Building Student Resilience, K-8: Strategies to Overcome Risk and Adversity, available from Corwin Books.
This podcast sponsored by:The Bell Ringer, a weekly newsletter providing news, tools, and resources on the science of learning, written by education reporter Holly Korbey. Subscribe here. Murmuration Author Services by Mark Combes. Looking to write your first book? Murmuration Author Services is your friend and coach for this journey. Learn more here.
Coaching Moves While Observing Lessons with Zach Groshell - Thinking Out Loud #3
This the third episode in our series Thinking Out Loud in which Zach and I discuss instructional coaching. So far, we have discussed the importance of rehearsal with teachers (Episode 23) and various coaching models (Episode 33). In this episode we discuss coaching moves an instructional coach may employ while observing a lesson.Links:Just Tell Them: The Power of Explanations and Explicit InstructionMaximizing the Impact of Coaching Cycles
This podcast sponsored by:The Bell Ringer, a weekly newsletter providing news, tools, and resources on the science of learning, written by education reporter Holly Korbey. Subscribe here. Murmuration Author Services by Mark Combes. Looking to write your first book? Murmuration Author Services is your friend and coach for this journey. Learn more here.
Teach FAST with Gene Tavernetti
Everyone says one of the most effective ways to teach new content is by using explicit instruction. But fewer teachers than you might think can deliver an effective explicit instruction lesson. Dr. Tavernetti wrote Teach FAST to help remedy that situation and help guide teachers to more effective explicit instruction lesson.In this episode Gene lists and explains the differences between this book and other books on explicit instruction.Andrew Bixler, a friend and colleague of Gene Tavernetti, turns the tables and interviews Gene about his book Teach FAST: Focused Adaptable Structured Teaching.Get Teach FAST here.
This podcast sponsored by:The Bell Ringer, a weekly newsletter providing news, tools, and resources on the science of learning, written by education reporter Holly Korbey. Subscribe here. Murmuration Author Services by Mark Combes. Looking to write your first book? Murmuration Author Services is your friend and coach for this journey. Learn more here.
Improving Literacy in the Middle Grades with Kyair Butts
Kyair Butts, Baltimore City Public Schools Teacher of the Year, discusses improving literacy in the middle grades and a successful low-cost professional development program that teachers enjoyed and employed.Follow Kyair and his students in action at on:X: @kyairb Instagram: @MrK_bcpss
This podcast sponsored by:The Bell Ringer, a weekly newsletter providing news, tools, and resources on the science of learning, written by education reporter Holly Korbey. Subscribe here. Murmuration Author Services by Mark Combes. Looking to write your first book? Murmuration Author Services is your friend and coach for this journey. Learn more here.
Three Important Areas for Schools to Focus On with Mike Schmoker
Mike Schmoker, educator and best-selling author, speaks from decades of experience as he details the three most important areas school musts Focus on to get Results. (Caps and pun intended.)Get in touch with Mike through his website here.
This podcast sponsored by:The Bell Ringer, a weekly newsletter providing news, tools, and resources on the science of learning, written by education reporter Holly Korbey. Subscribe here. Murmuration Author Services by Mark Combes. Looking to write your first book? Murmuration Author Services is your friend and coach for this journey. Learn more here.
Descriptions of effective teaching often depict an idealized form of "perfect" instruction. Yet, pursuing perfection in teaching, which depends on children's behavior, is ultimately futile. To be effective, lessons and educators need to operate with about 75% efficiency. The remaining 25% can be impactful, but expecting it in every lesson, every day, is unrealistic. Perfection in teaching may be unattainable, but progress is not. Whether you are aiming for the 75% effectiveness mark or striving for continuous improvement, this podcast will guide you in that endeavor.