93: What we REALLY Think of: Infinity Miniatures...
Theres lots of miniatures games out there beyond Warhammer, but there's always been one that stands out the most... Infinity In this episode, James tells us about the Infinity miniature he painted this week, how they compare to our experiences to other systems and manufacturers, and how it could improve your skills as a miniature painter! Expect insights into:🎨 Why have we previously overlooked infinity 🖌️ James' experience painting the models💪🏼 How these models can improve your skills🔥 Hobby hacks to improve your paintingThanks to Corvus Belli for sponsoring this episode! #ad Check out the range here: https://store.corvusbelli.com/en/PATREON ➡️ https://shorturl.at/tCIKU ONYX PAINTING LAMP ➡️ https://shorturl.at/ryBEGDISCORD ➡️ https://shorturl.at/bwM68MERCH ➡️ https://shorturl.at/GOTkW0:00:00 Trailer0:00:51 Saint: Narrative Gaming 0:11:33 Hobby Updates 0:15:11 REALLY think of: Infinity 0:22:03 Casting quality 0:25:41 Why Infinity is different0:32:33 Painting Infinity miniatures0:47:28 New editions0:51:15 Improving your painting 0:54:57 #Febroodary1:02:34 Hobby HacksSupport the showPaint Perspective is a miniature painting podcast brought to you by Siege Studios, featuring James Otero (Siege founder & CEO), Joe Hart (Siege Ops Manager) and George Coleman (Siege Content Creator & Commission Painter). Each week, our three co-hosts discuss a new topic from the point of view of people who work in the miniature painting industry.Follow us: @siegestudios / @paintperspectivepodcastWatch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SiegeStudios/podcasts
92: John Keys - How to paint AWARD WINNING Warhammer Miniatures
Competition time will soon be upon us in the miniature painting community, so who better to chat with this week than upcoming judge of IronSkull 2025: John Keys!In episode 92 of Paint Perspective, John gives us his fascinating insight into the ‘journey’ of miniature painting and how his approach has changed over the years.Expect insights into:🎨 Why John stopped painting GW miniatures🖌️ The best reason to enter a miniature painting competition 🖤 How mental health can impact your painting 🔥 Hobby hacks to improve your paintingHuge thanks to John for joining us this week, you can see more of his work on his social media here: https://www.instagram.com/megazord_man/IRONSKULL 2025 ➡️ https://shorturl.at/mhTqyPATREON ➡️ https://shorturl.at/tCIKU BOOK A CLASS ➡️ https://shorturl.at/ory37ONYX PAINTING LAMP ➡️ https://shorturl.at/ryBEG0:00:00 Trailer0:00:46 Who is John Keys? 0:11:00 Painting & mental health 0:20:38 NOT painting Warhammer 0:26:49 Choosing miniatures 0:33:05 How did you learn to paint? 0:42:56 The value of competitions 0:47:53 IronSkull 20250:55:31 Giving GOOD feedback… 1:08:05 Hobby HacksSupport the showPaint Perspective is a miniature painting podcast brought to you by Siege Studios, featuring James Otero (Siege founder & CEO), Joe Hart (Siege Ops Manager) and George Coleman (Siege Content Creator & Commission Painter). Each week, our three co-hosts discuss a new topic from the point of view of people who work in the miniature painting industry.Follow us: @siegestudios / @paintperspectivepodcastWatch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SiegeStudios/podcasts
91: Painting these Warhammer models was HARDER than we thought…
Thanks to Games Workshop for sending us this new box set free for review. One of the most anticipated range refreshes from Games Workshop is finally here, and It’s of course non other than the Emperors Children! In this episode, we discuss the new army box set, the miniatures we have painted from it so far, and the problems we had along the way… Expect to learn why pink was one of the most challenging colours we have found to paint, how we would advise painting a whole Emperors Children army, previous armies we have painted, future plans for gaming armies, and much more!Also in this episode, Joe tells us about his latest hobby blunder and we of course share our hobby hacks!PATREON ➡️ https://shorturl.at/tCIKU ONYX PAINTING LAMP ➡️ https://shorturl.at/ryBEG0:00:00 Trailer0:00:50 Joe’s blunder0:13:09 Emperors Children Army Box 0:18:33 Painting Tabletop Tactics’ army 0:21:20 Our thoughts before painting…0:24:04 How we painted them 0:26:13 George’s model 0:35:46 Paul’s model0:47:20 Joe’s model 0:55:41 Adam’s model 0:58:00 Named characters1:06:25 Final thoughts 1:09:44 Hobby Hacks Support the showPaint Perspective is a miniature painting podcast brought to you by Siege Studios, featuring James Otero (Siege founder & CEO), Joe Hart (Siege Ops Manager) and George Coleman (Siege Content Creator & Commission Painter). Each week, our three co-hosts discuss a new topic from the point of view of people who work in the miniature painting industry.Follow us: @siegestudios / @paintperspectivepodcastWatch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SiegeStudios/podcasts
90: Making CUSTOM Warhammer bases (that don't suck)
If theres one thing thats just as important as a well painted miniature, it’s of course got to be the base it stands upon… But how do you make sure yours actually look good, and aren’t completely boring? In this episode, we discuss all things basing and how you can use it to improve your miniatures! Expect to learn easy and quick methods for making your base stand out, how to make better decisions to complement your miniature, the tools and materials we like to use and much more! Also in this episode, James tells us about how he created his own line of miniature scenic products, we share our Warhammer army painting updates and of course share our hobby hacks! SIEGE SCENICS ➡️ https://shorturl.at/qlaz7PATREON ➡️ https://shorturl.at/tCIKU ONYX PAINTING LAMP ➡️ https://shorturl.at/ryBEGRECOMMENDED PRODUCTS ➡️ https://shorturl.at/N9k7P0:00:00 Trailer 0:00:48 Army painting updates 0:11:43 Siege Scenics 0:25:00 IMPROVING your bases 0:26:00 Basing first or last? 0:34:58 Are GW bases boring? 0:39:40 Make BETTER basing choices 0:46:22 CUSTOM display bases0:51:57 Best materials for basing 1:05:32 Hobby Hacks Support the showPaint Perspective is a miniature painting podcast brought to you by Siege Studios, featuring James Otero (Siege founder & CEO), Joe Hart (Siege Ops Manager) and George Coleman (Siege Content Creator & Commission Painter). Each week, our three co-hosts discuss a new topic from the point of view of people who work in the miniature painting industry.Follow us: @siegestudios / @paintperspectivepodcastWatch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SiegeStudios/podcasts
89: What does it ACTUALLY take to make MONEY painting Warhammer?
Lots of us have at some point fantasised about turning our hobbies into our job, but what does it really take to make money painting Warhammer? In this episode, we discuss professional commission painting miniatures and the skills you’ll need to pull it off. Expect to learn from James on how he started a commission painting business, and how the industry has changed over 10 years of running it. The struggles and successes Joe has seen from managing over 90 professional Warhammer painters, and George’s experience as a full time artist and what lessons he had to learn to make it work. Also in this episode, we share our hobby updates over the past week, including painting custom sculpted Night Lords miniatures and a Guardians of the Covenant army, and of course our hobby hacks! ONYX PAINTING LAMP ➡️ https://shorturl.at/ryBEGPATREON ➡️ https://shorturl.at/tCIKU Job applications: https://siegestudios.co.uk/jobs/RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS ➡️ https://shorturl.at/N9k7PDISCORD ➡️ https://shorturl.at/bwM68MERCH ➡️ https://shorturl.at/GOTkW0:00:00 Trailer0:00:50 Joe’s musings0:11:12 James’ mistake 0:14:09 The floor is lava0:19:48 First time commission painting0:30:22 “You can’t make it your job”0:36:52 Resenting professional painters0:44:08 How the industry has changed 0:49:54 How to make money from painting0:53:57 The hardest things0:59:36 When are you ready? 1:14:49 Hobby HacksSupport the showPaint Perspective is a miniature painting podcast brought to you by Siege Studios, featuring James Otero (Siege founder & CEO), Joe Hart (Siege Ops Manager) and George Coleman (Siege Content Creator & Commission Painter). Each week, our three co-hosts discuss a new topic from the point of view of people who work in the miniature painting industry.Follow us: @siegestudios / @paintperspectivepodcastWatch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SiegeStudios/podcasts
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