Building one of the biggest brands in cycling: Fabio Wibmer on his remarkable journey to fame and fortune
Fabio Wibmer can still remember the first time he stuck a GoPro on his head and headed out with his mates for a ride. Little did he know that a decade later he’d be broadcasting to millions on YouTube.Growing up in a small town in rural Austria, few would have predicted Wibmer’s rise to the top of trials riding, but his early daredevil exploits soon found a huge audience. After linking up with his icon Danny MacAskill, Fabio shot to stardom – and he’s not looked back since.Now a superstar trials rider, entrepreneur and video creator rolled into one, this episode’s guest is 100% one of the wildest we’ve ever welcomed to Just Ride. Fabio has changed the face of content creation in cycling over the past decade and Rob and Eliot couldn’t wait to hear his storyHe's been a dream Just Ride guest since episode one and we were delighted to finally welcome him to the studio. You don’t want to miss this.We’ll be back soon.We just love hearing from you here at Just Ride, so hit Eliot or Rob up on their socials or email
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