Two millennials with maxed out goofball stats tackle one of the biggest video game series of all time. Mike (lifelong superfan) initiates Remy (total FF newbie)...
Onward to the Labyrinth of Ancients and Syrcus Tower! We fight a Titan made up of four Gastlies then touch another crystal and are imbued with exciting new vocational skills. Remy timeloops back to Eureka. Talking weapons are cool. The knight job is okay I guess. Does the ranger have wilderness survival skills or…?
Vs. The Nine Foot Tall Twink (FF3 Part 6)
Mike acquires some summon monsters. We get a rad new airship that comes with guns and a free bed – but who services the Invincible’s vending machines? How does Unei use dream mastery to clean up some rock mess? How precious is human mortality actually? I wonder how the Hecatoncheir feels about his precious mortality after we kill him dead. Mike spills some tea about the development of FF3. Along the way we'll visit the Temple of Time, the Ancient Ruins, Falgabard, and the Cave of Shadows. Music used for Gutsco Protein Powder segment: "P R E S I D E N T A T O R" by Anonymous420 (CC BY 4.0) Thanks, Anonymous420! Sorry, Anonymous420. -_-
Whoa There, Delilah (FF3 Part 5)
Four geezers save us from exploding shoes then trick us with shrooms. Goldor, who likes gold, throws his evilest money at us. Bards sing some tunes. We get shot down in Saronia for interrupting a heated shirts vs. skins staring contest. Remy stumbles upon one weird trick Odins hate. Mike gets quizzed on colors. Stops at Goldor Manor, the Circle Cave, the Sunken Cavern, and the Saronia catacombs.
Excessive Generosity (FF3 Part 4)
The mystery of the gysahl greens is revealed! A piano is played. We bask in our sheer confusion re: fundamental aspects of these player characters’ identities. Which of these lil dudes gets invited back to Princess Sarah’s castle after the adventure concludes? Desch’s girlfriend needs a pep talk. A blue lady is a key. A generosity challenge is undertaken and one of us is shooting for extra credit on the assignment. Goldor hatches a questionable plan. We question his questionable plan. Somebody tells us to get shoes from a sewer. Smarter podcasts discuss literary themes and influences in these games while we’re stuck simply trying to make sense of what’s happening.
Publish Then Perish (FF3 Part 3)
You know what? Let's keep playing this game and nab that fire crystal. Experiments are conducted to answer questions from last episode. Lali-ho! Dwarves have more hats. We bought a bunch of Gutsco Protein Powder and became our own bosses. But what’s going on with that snake around Gutsco? The mystery of the missing Glass Tower is not that big of a mystery. How does thievery work? Should we steal from demons? Books are the weapons of scholars and therefore should be unbannable if that's how the 2nd amendment works. We end up being tree doctors and then call it a day.
Two millennials with maxed out goofball stats tackle one of the biggest video game series of all time. Mike (lifelong superfan) initiates Remy (total FF newbie) into the arcane secrets of Final Fantasy one game at a time. Ridiculousness ensues. Friendships are tested. Each episode, more final than the last.