Helen faces an impossible choice, and Robert makes his feelings known.
Emma’s not at all happy to find she’s become the poster girl for the water company campaign; her picture has made the local paper. Robert reckons it’s a positive – it’s all good publicity. But Emma’s worried about the prominence attracting negative comments about George on social media. Her place on the parish council may also be in question, but she’s not worried about that. If they don’t want her, that’s fine with her.
Robert reminds Lynda the decision on Emma’s future on the parish council is this Thursday, but Lynda’s distracted. The Malik family have gone back to Beechwood and the house is quiet. Robert reminds her what good news this is that the Maliks’ house is habitable again. Azra has left them with profuse thanks and some delicious chocolates. Lynda’s happy for the family, but still laments their own house feels empty. She’s cheered by the prospect of Khalil returning from time to time to feed the llamas.
Clarrie feels no matter how much she prepares for her interview tomorrow, she won’t get the job. She’ll have to look for something else. Eddie suggests she might retire, but Clarrie declares they can’t afford for her to do that. Later Emma tells Eddie that Susan’s hating the process too. They agree it’s a rotten situation all round. Emma promises Clarrie any financial help she can, and they’ll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. Clarrie acknowledges she can only do her best.
Rex is still uncomfortable with the idea of being paid to play cricket, and even more so when Lily confirms there’ll be another player getting money too. He thinks it’s all very dodgy; if it’s not, why are they having to keep quiet about it? Tom interrupts them and Lily covers, expressing her optimism for the season ahead. Tom agrees; if nets is anything to go by everyone’s sharp and focused on improving. Martyn Gibson arrives and accuses Rex of being involved in the imminent bellringing protest against the water company. Bemused Rex denies any involvement. Lily gets back to business. She runs her intended team talk past Rex and Tom. She’ll announce a change to Harrison’s previous ‘playing for fun’ approach, and make clear that nets will be compulsory – miss two sessions and you’re off the team. Later Tom and Rex agree this is all a bit strong. Lily clearly doesn’t understand people’s commitments and motives for playing.
As they prepare for the ringing Neil shares with Alan his ongoing sadness that George still refuses to see him or Susan. Alan sympathises. They look forward to the arrival of the bellringing teams, but Emma surprises them by bringing people for a ring-along. They have assorted small bells they’ll ring in support. It was Akram’s suggestion, and Emma’s happy to be involved. If she loses her place on the parish council, so be it. Angry Martyn interrupts proceedings, and issues a veiled threat to Neil’s job. Defiant Emma challenges his attitude, galvanising the crowd, and the rousing ring continues.
Tony’s been dropped from the cricket team and feels an injustice has been done. He blames ageism. Pat’s sympathetic but points out Freddie’s probably just trying to put the best team together. Tony implies he’s the better player of the two of them and asks Tom for his opinion – but Tom’s not getting involved. Later the boot’s on the other foot when Pat gets the call. Raging that she’s been dropped too, she admonishes amused Tony for gloating.
After her bellringing meeting Pat’s concerned that this method of protest might not be as effective as they’d hoped. She worries that Neil’s right – ten hours of bells risks alienating the people they want onside. Tony apologises for teasing her earlier, and Pat acknowledges her own lack of sympathy towards him too. They reminisce about the good times they’ve had at the cricket, consoling themselves with the thin comfort that they can still go and watch. Tony asks Tom to have a word with Freddie, but Tom refuses. He agrees with Freddie, admiring him for getting on and making difficult decisions.
Meanwhile Kirsty’s given Tom an ultimatum: she needs a decision on the Beechwood house by midday or the deal’s off. Tom can’t get hold of Natasha and is in despair, but when he meets Kirsty at the allotted time she tells him Natasha has already given her their decision – the sale is going ahead. Tom’s surprised Natasha didn’t ask him first, but Pat reminds him of his own words – sometimes you have to get on and make difficult decisions.
Neil approaches Alan about the ring of bells for the sewage leak protest, and to his surprise Alan is enthusiastic. He thinks they should aim for a marathon ring of ten hours. It will call people to arms and encourage questions in people’s minds about climate change. Before Neil knows it they’re delivering flyers. Alan’s secured the support of most of the PCC in advance of their meeting tomorrow. Not yet official then, cautions Neil. Akram joins them and Neil explains they’re less anti-Borsetshire Water and more hoping to open a dialogue. Akram helps with the leaflet delivery; he’s right behind them on this.Freddie thinks paying Rex will split the cricket team. Lily assures him they won’t know, but Freddie still thinks it’s against the spirit of the game. He asks her if she’s run the plan past Lynda, and Lily says she intends to. Later Freddie’s dismayed to hear that Vince has approved the payment, and more so that he wants not one but two players to be paid. Lily assures Freddie that this makes it a policy rather than favouritism, but Freddie’s still worried. Two members being paid doubles the chances of the news getting out. Lily sweeps on, announcing she’s found a new team member. She’s played for Felpersham uni and she’s brilliant. Freddie points out that for every new member, someone else will have to be dropped. Lily agrees this will be a difficult conversation, but a team has to evolve. The difficult conversation falls to Freddie himself, and he makes a call.