On this session we bring the boys back together and chat about our experiences camping in the cold. The term "cold" registers in different places for each of us and not just because some are using celsius! We have a fairly lengthy string of tips and some of them provided by our listeners. The list is certainly not all inclusive and we may have gotten some things wrong. Please send in your pro tips and corrections to
[email protected]. []Wear warm clothes []Bring clothes to change and stay dry []Drink lots of water and eat high calorie foods []Layer clothes. The 3 Ws - wicking, warm, weatherproof []Sleep in a hat to keep your feet warm []Hot water bottle in sleeping bag []Avoid windy camping spots []Bury water bottles in at least 6" snow on all sides to keep it from freezing []insulated sleeping pad with high R value []wear mittens []dig down to the ground or build a quinzee []vent the tent to mitigate condensation build up from breath and body heat []keep tailpipe clear []know the signs of frostbite and hypothermia []skip the cotton []use tarps. Participants: Brandon Libby - https://www.instagram.com/overland_kitted/ and https://www.facebook.com/OverlandKitted/ Ben Allreed - https://www.instagram.com/offroadpodcast/ and https://www.facebook.com/OffRoadPodcast/ Adam Schalow - https://www.facebook.com/overlandhistory/ and https://www.instagram.com/overland_history/ - Also at Blue Ridge Overland Gear https://www.instagram.com/blueridgeoverlandgear/ Alex Garner - https://www.instagram.com/intentsoffroad/, https://www.facebook.com/IntentsOffroad/, and on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Pw9gbXhykd0xXHKYyV83g Taylor Adney - https://www.instagram.com/tiresandfires/