LIGHT TALK is a show featuring three seasoned professional lighting designers and educators who discuss the latest developments in the world of live entertainme...
LIGHT TALK Episode 402 - "'Transposition' is a Dirty Word" - Our Discussion with Michael Clark, John Froelich, Chris Maravich, and Justin Partier
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, Lumen Brother David welcomes Opera Resident Lighting Designers Michael Clark, John Froelich, Chris Maravich, and Justin Partier to the show. Join Chris, John, Justin, Michael, and David as they pontificate about: How do lighting designers meet; Followspots anyone?; The responsibilities inherent in being a Resident Lighting Designer; Discussions with visiting guest designers; The time contraints of lighting opera; Organizing the lighting tech time; Ballet companies adapting to new technology; Heartbeats and Humans; Draining the Chicago River; Fond memories of the VL3500; Our fantasy moving lights; Why lighting designs are getting brighter and brighter; We love Robert Juliat; Can AI and VR technology be applied to the opera lighting process?; How and when to adapt to new technologies; Remounts vs. new productions; Working with international designers and directors; Expectation management with American designers; Surprising and classy paperwork from some designers; Advice for young designers; and Blaming it all on Chris. Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, The Lumen Brothers (and Sisters) present their 7th Annual LIGHT TALK LIVE show from LDI! The Lumen Family talks about everything from AI Madness to Our Favorite Sandwiches. Join Anne, Steve, Brackley, Zak, Stan, Snoot, and David as they pontificate about: The future of AI in our industry; What will be the relationshop of lighting and video sources in the future regarding output and control; Chapter 7 of "Bobby Danger... The Lighting Guy"; Our favorite lighting fixtures; Our favorite Vegas lighting displays; Zac's Casino heritage; The Neon Museum; Who thought that a Podcast was a good idea; and How do you tell an actor that they continually miss their spike mark? Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.
LIGHT TALK Episode 401 - "Amateur Night in Waco"
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, The Lumen Brothers discuss everything from Time Warps to Bette Midler. Join David, Stan, and Steve as they pontificate about: Our big Light Talk celebration at LDI; Does it make sense to retrofit old Source 4's with Source 4WRD's?; Using AI and Chat GPT in Projects; When is a design finished; Freezing a show; "The Perfectionism Trap"; Bad Hombre Productions' "The Mist Liquid Hydrogen Fogger"; Our Dream products for LDI; What to do with a professor who is a Jerk; and Stan's Valley Girl impersonation. Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.
LIGHT TALK Episode 399 - "Embrace the Suck"
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, The Lumen Brothers discuss everything from Horrible Programmers, to "Mr. Midnight". Join David, Stan, and Steve as they pontificate about: What to do when your show sucks; Scar Tissue; "The Endpoint Effect"; Respecting and researching other cultures when you design a show; "Blue Hawaii"; What to do when your programmer disappears; Stan becoming "Tom from CarTalk"; "Evil Kitten Clothing for Stagehands"; Stan's collection of Bowties; Escaping the madness; Standing your ground and fight for your students; "The Prime Directive" in education; Ignoring the background noise; LDI daily routines.; and What new technology will be at LDI. Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.
LIGHT TALK Episode 398 - "Being Kind - Our Conversation with Christina Watanabe"
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, The Lumen Brothers and Sister welcome lighting designer Christina Watanabe to the show. Join Christina, Ellen, Stan, and Brackley as they pontificate about: Early days of discovering lighting design; Hitting the pavement in NYC; The "Christina Questions"; Christina's Knights of Illumination Award project; Most challenging productions; The issues with Zactrack; Losing the human element; Taking over from Brackley at UNLV; Teaching Graduate and Undergraduate lighting designers; Hard lessons to learn; Balancing an academic career with a professional career; Taking students with you on professional gigs; Advice for the LDI Portfolio Review; and words of advice to young designers. Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.
LIGHT TALK is a show featuring three seasoned professional lighting designers and educators who discuss the latest developments in the world of live entertainment and architectural lighting design. Steve Woods (SMU), Stan Kaye (University of Florida), and David Jacques (California State University Long Beach) offer sage, and sometimes controversial advice to professionals and students of lighting design. Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and very little makes sense.