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Dr Karl Podcast

Podcast Dr Karl Podcast
triple j
Join Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, Lucy Smith and their scientific guests, with a bunch of curious triple j listeners for a weekly injection of science, myth-bashing an...
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Episodios disponibles

5 de 250
  • Sperm competition, ring of fire and the late heavy bombardment
    Why do we have eyebrows? Is there a way to predict the future of evolution in humans? And what would our doctors ask Charles Darwin at a dinner party? Dr Karl and special guest Zoe Kean answer these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith. 
  • UV ratings, anxious sweats and morning people
    How does alcohol affect your sleep? Can energy be destroyed? And how do snakes stay so clean?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith. 
  • Terraforming Mars, intergalactic travel and the Perseverance Rover
    What impact would living on Mars have on our bodies? Could we ever have 'Earth' on our identification? And how are the astronauts stuck on the International Space Station going?Dr Karl and special guest Dr Adrian Brown answer these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith. 
  • String theory, Benford's Law and the discovery of Pi
    Is math a human invention or something we discovered? How many ways are there to count? And can math offer a solution to microplastics? Dr Karl and special guest Matt Parker answer these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith. 
  • Breath work, species adaptations and peak solar energy
    How realistic are shark attacks in movies? Why are there no monkeys in Australia? And how important are breathing exercises? Science communicators Zoe Kean and Ruben Meerman answer these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith. 

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