Breaching Extinction is an investigative podcast evaluating the complexities of the declining Southern Resident Killer Whale population in an effort to better u...
This is the final episode of Breaching Extinction (for now). This has been an amazing journey. Thank you to everyone who's been a part of it!
128. North Atlantic Killer Whale Diets
In this episode, Erica chatted with Anaïs Remili researcher and founder of Whale Scientist about her recent publication New killer whale research: North Atlantic killer whale diets revealed in unprecedented detail
127. Free Willard
This week Erica chatted with the one and only Orca Man aka Fred Denisco about his obsession with the movie Free Willy and some behind-the-scenes details about the film
126. Microplastics in Sea Lion Scat
This week Erica chatted with researcher, José Ángel Ortega Borchardt about his recent publication Microplastics in scats of California sea lions on the Gulf of California.
Breaching Extinction is an investigative podcast evaluating the complexities of the declining Southern Resident Killer Whale population in an effort to better understand the trials they currently face, and find solutions through conversation and connection.