Twin animators Tom and Tony Bancroft get together and talk about their Disney Animation past, the present animation business, and the future of animation. Inter...
The BBros reminisce about a time in their lives when these two wet behind the ears, shy boys were trying to break into the animation industry. These are the stories that were game changer moments and helped define us. Listen to this episode if you are just starting out and-Seize the day!
Designing Animation with Izzy Burton
The Bros enjoyed a sit down conversation with the talented UK Concept Artist Izzy Burton! Fresh off of working together on a 2D feature film, we discuss: Her amazing drive and how she doesn't suffer from FOMO, but FONC (Fear of Not Creating), having an artist partner, and what the UK animation market is like right now and how she finds work. Happy New Year from the Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast and thank you for your support in 2025!
The Animation Year in Review
In this fun-filled Hash It Out episode, Tom and Tony discuss what’s happening in the industry with the Anination Union negotiations, trying to get AI standards, and how it can affect you. Let’s get into it!
Tod Polson - The 21
In this episode, Tom and Tony interview a true “artist’s artist”, Tod Polson, master animation designer and director. We discuss Tod’s amazing book about Maurice Noble and what he learned from Chuck Jones's main layout artist at Warner Brothers Studios. We then dive into discussing his newest short film, “The 21” a powerful and stylized film that tells the true story of martyred men of faith in the 90s. This is an amazing, Oscar-worthy short!
Hash It Out - Lightbox 2024
As promised, this is the Bancroft Brothers breakdown of this year’s Lightbox Expo. And it was a good one! The B boys also talk about their own expo, Animation Y’all in Nashville and give out some exclusive announcements! You know who’s coming? You will after listening to this episode!
Twin animators Tom and Tony Bancroft get together and talk about their Disney Animation past, the present animation business, and the future of animation. Interviews with talented artists, inspirational words, and wild speculation will help you grow as a person - or not.
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