Sunday Catholic Word is the only podcast that looks at the Sunday Mass readings and focuses on the details that are relevant to explaining and defending the Cat...
#120 Does Faith Alone Save? & Did Jesus Teach Sola Scriptura? - Karlo Broussard
Does Romans 10:8-13 support faith alone, or is baptism necessary? Does Jesus’ temptation in Luke 4:1-13 affirm sola scriptura? 1st Sunday of Lent Year .…
#119 Is Sirach Scripture? Understanding the Deuterocanonical Debate - Karlo Broussard
Dr. Karlo Broussard discusses the Deuterocanonical status of Sirach and many more apologetical themes on the readings for the 8th sunday in ordinary time.…
#118 Was the Resurrection Merely Spiritual? | Year C - Karlo Broussard
In today’s episode, we focus primarily on the second reading for this upcoming 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C. The relevant topic detail relates to whether the of Jesus’ resurrection bodily or merely spiritual.…
#117 How Reliable Are the Gospels? - Karlo Broussard
This weeks Gospel reading from Luke 6:17, 20-26 coversthe related apologetical topic is the historical reliability of the Gospels in general.…
#116 Repetitious Prayer, Purgatory, Jesus’ Resurrection, Grace, and Peter’s Headship | Year C - Karlo Broussard
Episode 116: Year C – 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time
In today’s episode, we focus on five details in the readings for this upcoming 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C. The first two details are found in the first reading, taken from Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8. The related apologetical topics are repetitious prayer and the theme of purification by fire, which relates to the doctrine of Purgatory. The next two details come from the second reading, taken from 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. The apologetical topics that come to the fore are the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection and man’s cooperation with grac…
Sunday Catholic Word is the only podcast that looks at the Sunday Mass readings and focuses on the details that are relevant to explaining and defending the Catholic faith.