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Podcast Python Bytes
Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken
Python Bytes is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken. The show is a short discussion on the headlines and noteworthy news in the Python, d...

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  • #420 90% Done in 50% of the Available Time
    Topics covered in this episode: PEP 772 – Packaging governance process Official Django MongoDB Backend Now Available in Public Preview Developer Philosophy Python 3.13.2 released Extras Joke Watch on YouTube About the show Sponsored by us! Support our work through: Our courses at Talk Python Training The Complete pytest Course Patreon Supporters Connect with the hosts Michael: @[email protected] / @mkennedy.codes (bsky) Brian: @[email protected] / @brianokken.bsky.social Show: @[email protected] / @pythonbytes.fm (bsky) Join us on YouTube at pythonbytes.fm/live to be part of the audience. Usually Monday at 10am PT. Older video versions available there too. Finally, if you want an artisanal, hand-crafted digest of every week of the show notes in email form? Add your name and email to our friends of the show list, we'll never share it. Brian #1: PEP 772 – Packaging governance process draft, created 21-Jan, by Barry Warsaw, Deb Nicholson, Pradyun Gedam “As Python packaging has matured, several interrelated problems with the current way of managing the technical development, decision making and processes have become apparent.” “This PEP proposes a Python Packaging Council with broad authority over packaging standards, tools, and implementations. Like the Python Steering Council, the Packaging Council seeks to exercise this authority as rarely as possible; instead, they use this power to establish standard processes.” PEP discusses PyPA, Packaging-WG, Interoperability Standards, Python Steering Council, and Expectations of an elected Packaging Council A specification with Composition: 5 people Mandate, Responsibilities, Delegations, Process, Terms, etc. Michael #2: Official Django MongoDB Backend Now Available in Public Preview Over the last few years, Django developers have increasingly used MongoDB, presenting an opportunity for an official MongoDB-built Python package to make integrating both technologies as painless as possible. Features The ability to use Django models with confidence. Developers can use Django models to represent MongoDB documents, with support for Django forms, validations, and authentication. Django admin support. The package allows users to fire up the Django admin page as they normally would, with full support for migrations and database schema history. Native connecting from settings.py. Just as with any other database provider, developers can customize the database engine in settings.py to get MongoDB up and running. MongoDB-specific querying optimizations. Field lookups have been replaced with aggregation calls (aggregation stages and aggregate operators), JOIN operations are represented through $lookup, and it’s possible to build indexes right from Python. Limited advanced functionality. While still in development, the package already has support for time series, projections, and XOR operations. Aggregation pipeline support. Raw querying allows aggregation pipeline operators. Since aggregation is a superset of what traditional MongoDB Query API methods provide, it gives developers more functionality. Brian #3: Developer Philosophy by qntm Intended as “advice for junior developers about personal dev philosophy”, I think these are just great tips to keep in mind. The items Avoid, at all costs, arriving at a scenario where the ground-up rewrite starts to look attractive This is less about “don’t do rewrites”, but about noticing the warning signs ahead of time. Aim to be 90% done in 50% of the available time Great quote: “The first 90% of the job takes 90% of the time. The last 10% of the job takes the other 90% of the time.” Automate good practices Think about pathological data “Nobody cares about the golden path. Edge cases are our entire job.” Brian’s note: But also think about the happy path. Documenting and testing what you think of as the happy path is a testing start and helps others understand your idea of how things are supposed to work. There’s usually a simpler way to write it Write code to be testable It is insufficient for code to be provably correct; it should be obviously, visibly, trivially correct Brian’s note: Even if it’s obviously, visibly, trivially correct, it will still break. So test it anyway. Michael #4: Python 3.13.2 released Python 3.13’s second maintenance release. About 250 changes went into this update Also Python 3.12.9, Python 3.12’s ninth maintenance release already. Just 180 changes for 3.12, but it’s still worth upgrading. For us, it’s simply rebuilding our Docker base (i.e. —no-cache) with these lines: RUN curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache uv venv --python 3.13 /venv Extras Brian: Still thinking about pytest plugins a lot. The top pytest plugin list Has been updated for Feb Is starting to include things without “pytest” in the name, like Hypothesis and Syrupy. Eventually I’ll have to add “looking at trove classifiers” as part of the search, but for now, let me know if you’re favorite is missing. Includes T&C podcast episode links if I’ve covered it on the show. There’s 2 so far Michael: There's a new release of PyScript out. All the details are here: Highlight is new PyGame-CE support. Go play! PEP 2026 – Calendar versioning for Python rejected. :( PEP 759 – External Wheel Hosting withdrawn Joke: Pride Versioning
  • #419 Is your back end popular?
    Topics covered in this episode: content-types package for better MIME types/Content-Type Wagtail 6.4 Build It Yourself Build backend popularity over time Extras Joke Watch on YouTube About the show Sponsored by us! Support our work through: Our courses at Talk Python Training The Complete pytest Course Patreon Supporters Connect with the hosts Michael: @[email protected] / @mkennedy.codes (bsky) Brian: @[email protected] / @brianokken.bsky.social Show: @[email protected] / @pythonbytes.fm (bsky) Join us on YouTube at pythonbytes.fm/live to be part of the audience. Usually Monday at 10am PT. Older video versions available there too. Finally, if you want an artisanal, hand-crafted digest of every week of the show notes in email form? Add your name and email to our friends of the show list, we'll never share it. Michael #1: content-types package for better MIME types/Content-Type It started with this comment from Raf. mimetypes — Map filenames to MIME types It is oddly missing very common types and varies by platform, OS install and other factors (see this function). Search around and found python-magic. Seems great but ImportError: failed to find libmagic. Check your installation → brew install libmagic magic.from_file("testdata/test.pdf") → FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'testdata/test.pdf' hmm So I had to create my own. Introducing content-types A Python library to map file extensions to MIME types. Unlike other libraries, this one does not try to access the file or parse the bytes of the file or stream. It just looks at the extension. Better support than mimetypes builtin. Brian #2: Wagtail 6.4 Release notes Lots of great updates, but I want to zoom in on background tasks. 6.4 includes django-tasks which is an available implementation of DEP 0014: Background workers This proposal is accepted and this thread includes a great talk from DjangoCon Europe 2024 Why is this cool? Even though django-tasks says it’s “under active development”, as long as you pin the version and test your behavior depending on this, it must be ready to use if wagtail is going for it. Don't you think? Michael #3: Build It Yourself from Armin Ronacher, sent in by Rafael Weingartner An excellent article pushing back on too many dependencies Maybe the advice of always prefer code reuse isn’t that great after all? It’s much much easier to solve small little problems these days due to AI. Take Postmark as an example. “It's time to have a new perspective: we should give kudos to engineers who write a small function themselves instead of hooking in a transitive web of crates. We should be suspicious of big crate graphs. Celebrated are the minimal dependencies, the humble function that just quietly does the job, the code that doesn't need to be touched for years because it was done right once.” - Armin Brian #4: Build backend popularity over time Bastian Venthur This is just for projects using pyproject.toml Apparently he did this last year as well, so we can see some trends. Results setuptools: ~50% (last year ~50%) poetry: ~30% (last year ~33%) hatchling: (percent not listed, but looks like 12-15%), (last year 10%) flit: ~5% (last year ~10%) other: (above flit now) Analysis: setuptools continues to grow in absolute numbers and maintain it’s percentage. poetry declining hatchling growing flit declining Brian commentary This is not surprising to me. I generally use hatchling for more control, and setuptools for simple projects. I think we might end up with mostly setuptools and hatchling in a couple years. Extras Brian: Test & Code Archive is now all episodes on one page Old method was 30 episodes per page For something completely different NameGrapher - popularity of US names No wonder I don’t meet a lot of kids named Brian Michael is #16 (#1 in 1950s - 1990s) Brian is #317 (#8 in 1970s) Joke: The long path to rejection.
  • #418 I'm a tea pot
    Topics covered in this episode: In memoriam: Michael Foord 1974-2025 Valkey (Redis Replacement) 30 best practices for software development and testing mimetype.io Extras Joke Watch on YouTube About the show Sponsored by us! Support our work through: Our courses at Talk Python Training The Complete pytest Course Patreon Supporters Connect with the hosts Michael: @[email protected] / @mkennedy.codes (bsky) Brian: @[email protected] / @brianokken.bsky.social Show: @[email protected] / @pythonbytes.fm (bsky) Join us on YouTube at pythonbytes.fm/live to be part of the audience. Usually Monday at 10am PT. Older video versions available there too. Finally, if you want an artisanal, hand-crafted digest of every week of the show notes in email form? Add your name and email to our friends of the show list, we'll never share it. Brian #1: In memoriam: Michael Foord 1974-2025 Guido van Rossum and others We’ve just lost Michael Foord this last weekend. From Guido: “Michael, an original thinker if there ever was one, started the tradition of having Language Summit events at PyCon, IIRC together with Barry Warsaw. He also wrote and contributed the influential mock library. … “ “PS. Feel free to post your own (positive) memories of meeting Michael – perhaps his children (10 and 13) will read them when they’re older and this thread might help them remember their father.” I’ve added my memories. I think this is a great (and small) way to honor him. My friend Michael - Nicholas Tolervey After 5 years of trying, I did get an interview with Michael. I wish I’d have gotten that followup. Test & Code episode with Michael, ep 145, “For those about to mock” Michael #2: Valkey (Redis Replacement) Thanks Calvin HP An open source (BSD) high-performance key/value datastore that supports a variety of workloads such as caching, message queues. Can act as a primary database. Valkey can run as either a standalone daemon or in a cluster, with options for replication and high availability. Valkey natively supports a rich collection of datatypes, including strings, numbers, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and more. You can operate on data structures in-place with an expressive collection of commands. Brian #3: 30 best practices for software development and testing Michael Foord (from 2017) Some gems 1 - YAGNI 6 - Unit tests test to the unit of behavior, not the unit of implementation. 8 - Code is the enemy: It can go wrong, and it needs maintenance. Write less code. Delete code. Don’t write code you don’t need. 15 - The more you have to mock out to test your code, the worse your code is. and so many more … Michael #4: mimetype.io I’m always forgetting content types! Also, shout out to httpstatuses.io Extras Brian: Python 1.0.0 released 31 years ago Michael: Python 3.14.0 alpha 4 is out Joke: Tea Time
  • #417 Bugs hide from the light
    Topics covered in this episode: LLM Catcher On PyPI Quarantine process RESPX Unpacking kwargs with custom objects Extras Joke Watch on YouTube About the show Sponsored by us! Support our work through: Our courses at Talk Python Training The Complete pytest Course Patreon Supporters Connect with the hosts Michael: @[email protected] / @mkennedy.codes (bsky) Brian: @[email protected] / @brianokken.bsky.social Show: @[email protected] / @pythonbytes.fm (bsky) Join us on YouTube at pythonbytes.fm/live to be part of the audience. Usually Monday at 10am PT. Older video versions available there too. Finally, if you want an artisanal, hand-crafted digest of every week of the show notes in email form? Add your name and email to our friends of the show list, we'll never share it. Michael #1: LLM Catcher via Pat Decker Large language model diagnostics for python applications and FastAPI applications . Features Exception diagnosis using LLMs (Ollama or OpenAI) Support for local LLMs through Ollama OpenAI integration for cloud-based models Multiple error handling approaches: Function decorators for automatic diagnosis Try/except blocks for manual control Global exception handler for unhandled errors from imported modules Both synchronous and asynchronous APIs Flexible configuration through environment variables or config file Brian #2: On PyPI Quarantine process Mike Fiedler Project Lifecycle Status - Quarantine in his "Safety & Security Engineer: First Year in Review post” Some more info now in Project Quarantine Reports of malware in a project kick things off Admins can now place a project in quarantine, allowing it to be unavailable for install, but still around for analysis. New process allows for packages to go back to normal if the report is false. However Since August, the Quarantine feature has been in use, with PyPI Admins marking ~140 reported projects as Quarantined. Of these, only a single project has exited Quarantine, others have been removed. Michael #3: RESPX Mock HTTPX with awesome request patterns and response side effects A simple, yet powerful, utility for mocking out the HTTPX, and HTTP Core, libraries. Start by patching HTTPX, using respx.mock, then add request routes to mock responses. For a neater pytest experience, RESPX includes a respx_mock fixture Brian #4: Unpacking kwargs with custom objects Rodrigo A class needs to have a keys() method that returns an iterable. a __getitem__() method for lookup Then double splat ** works on objects of that type. Extras Brian: A surprising thing about PyPI's BigQuery data - Hugovk Top PyPI Packages (and therefore also Top pytest Plugins) uses a BigQuery dataset Has grabbed 30-day data of 4,000, then 5,000, then 8,000 packages. Turns out 531,022 packages (amount returned when limit set to a million) is the same cost. So…. hoping future updates to these “Top …” pages will have way more data. Also, was planning on recording a Test & Code episode on pytest-cov today, but haven’t yet. Hopefully at least a couple of new episodes this week. Finally updated pythontest.com with BlueSky links on home page and contact page. Michael: Follow up from Owen (uv-secure): Thanks for the multiple shout outs! uv-secure just uses the PyPi json API at present to query package vulnerabilities (same as default source for pip audit). I do smash it asynchronously for all dependencies at once... but it still takes a few seconds. Joke: Bugs hide from the light!
  • #416 A Ghostly Episode
    Topics covered in this episode: Terminals & Shells Winloop: An Alternative library for uvloop compatibility with windows Ruff & uv uv-secure Extras Joke Watch on YouTube About the show Sponsored by us! Support our work through: Our courses at Talk Python Training The Complete pytest Course Patreon Supporters Connect with the hosts Michael: @[email protected] / @mkennedy.codes (bsky) Brian: @[email protected] / @brianokken.bsky.social Show: @[email protected] / @pythonbytes.fm (bsky) Join us on YouTube at pythonbytes.fm/live to be part of the audience. Usually Monday at 10am PT. Older video versions available there too. Finally, if you want an artisanal, hand-crafted digest of every week of the show notes in email form? Add your name and email to our friends of the show list, we'll never share it. Brian #1: Terminals & Shells Ghostty is out Started by Mitchel Hashimoto, one of the co-founders of Hashicorp “Ghostty is a terminal emulator that differentiates itself by being fast, feature-rich, and native. While there are many excellent terminal emulators available, they all force you to choose between speed, features, or native UIs. Ghostty provides all three.” Currently for macOS & Linux (Windows planned) Version 1.0.1 released Dec 31, announced in Oct Features: cross-platform, windows, tabs, and splits, Themes, Ligatures, … Shell Integration: Some Ghostty features require integrating with your shell. Ghostty can automatically inject shell integration for bash, zsh, fish, and elvish. Fish is moving to Rust “fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell with clever features that just work, without needing an advanced degree in bash scriptology.” “fish 4.0 is a big upgrade. It’s got lots of new features to make using the command line easier and more enjoyable, such as more natural key binding and expanded history search. And under the hood, we’ve rebuilt the foundation in Rust.” Michael #2: Winloop: An Alternative library for uvloop compatibility with windows via Owen Lamont An alternative library for uvloop compatibility with windows . It always felt disappointing when libuv is available for windows but windows was never compatible with uvloop. Brian #3: Ruff & uv Ruff 0.9.0 has a new 2025 style guide f-string formatting improvements Now formats expressions interpolated inside f-string curly braces Quotes normalized according to project config Unnecessary escapes removed Examines interpolated expressions to see if splitting the string over multiple lines is ok Other changes to, but it’s the f-string improvements I’m excited about. Python 3.14.0a3 is out, and available with uv uv python install 3.14 --preview Michael #4: uv-secure by Owen Lamont (yes again :) ) This tool will scan PyPi dependencies listed in your uv.lock files (or uv generated requirements.txt files) and check for known vulnerabilities listed against those packages and versions in the PyPi json API. I don't intend uv-secure to ever create virtual environments or do dependency resolution - the plan is to leave that all to uv since it does that so well and just target lock files and fully pinned and dependency resolved requirements.txt files). Works “out of the box” with a requirements.txt from uv pip compile. Extras Brian: Test & Code Season 2: pytest plugins Season 1 was something like 223 episodes over 9.5 years Started the summer of 2015 Send in pytest plugin suggestions to Brian on BlueSky or Mastodon or the contact form at pythontest.com Michael: Episode Deep Dive feature at Talk Python Feedback on social media: Those deep dives look really handy. <looks at another one> Yes, those ARE really handy! Thanks for doing that. wow, yes please! This is awesome. Wow, this is amazing. … It helps when going back to check something (without having to re-listen). PyCon Austria at.pycon.org Heavy metal status codes Beautiful Soup feedback CFA via Sumana Harihareswara Joke: That's a stupid cup

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Python Bytes is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken. The show is a short discussion on the headlines and noteworthy news in the Python, developer, and data science space.
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