📢 한국어 한 조각 – 오직 한국어로 배우는 한국어!
한국어 몰입 학습(Immersion Learning)으로 자연스럽게 익히세요.
초급부터 고급까지, 여러분의 수준에 맞춘 팟캐스트 & 학습 콘텐츠를 제공합니다.
한국어 전문가와 함께, 더 유창하고 자신 있게!
Immerse yours...
This is a Korean podcast for Beginner. Teacher Jung (정 선생님) talked about a Korean food, 떡볶이 Tteokbokki.Full scripts and words can be found in videos on our YouTube channel. It will be uploaded on Saturday (22th March). Please come and watch 😀 한국어 한 조각, https://www.youtube.com/apieceofkorean🌟A Piece of Korean, The radio.여러분의 이야기를 들려 주세요!Tell us your story! 📻 https://forms.gle/j2WMqYgpBCNZPbhs8🌟 Korean Through Podcasts 2 just released!Get paperback, Kindle ver. from Amazon📚 https://a.co/d/7Af00q1Get PDF file from GooseAppleBooks🖥 https://www.gooseapplebooks.com/korean-through-podcasts-two
217. [더라디오] 7화 장보기 온라인 마트 이용, 챗gpt 활용하기, 한국 여행 🛒 grocery shopping, using Chatgpt, and traveling to Korea
🌟A Piece of Korean, The radio.여러분의 이야기를 들려 주세요!Tell us your story! 📻 https://forms.gle/j2WMqYgpBCNZPbhs8🌟 Korean Through Podcasts 2 just released!Get paperback, Kindle ver. from Amazon📚 https://a.co/d/7Af00q1Get PDF file from GooseAppleBooks🖥 https://www.gooseapplebooks.com/korean-through-podcasts-two
216. 비와 우리 생활 ☔️Rainy Days
This is a Korean podcast for Beginner. Teacher Hong(호 선생님) talked about rainy days. Please come and watch 😀 한국어 한 조각, https://www.youtube.com/apieceofkorean🌟A Piece of Korean, The radio.여러분의 이야기를 들려 주세요!Tell us your story! 📻 https://forms.gle/j2WMqYgpBCNZPbhs8🌟 Korean Through Podcasts 2 just released!Get paperback, Kindle ver. from Amazon📚 https://a.co/d/7Af00q1Get PDF file from GooseAppleBooks🖥 https://www.gooseapplebooks.com/korean-through-podcasts-two
215. 공항🛫air port
This is a Korean podcast for Beginner. Teacher Lee (이 선생님) talked about air port. <단어>탑승하다출입국 심사혼잡하다항공사항공권표를 끊다탑승권짐을 부치다기내[위탁] 수하물면세환율탑승구이륙하다착륙하다Please come and watch 😀 한국어 한 조각, https://www.youtube.com/apieceofkorean🌟A Piece of Korean, The radio.여러분의 이야기를 들려 주세요!Tell us your story! 📻 https://forms.gle/j2WMqYgpBCNZPbhs8🌟 Korean Through Podcasts 2 just released!Get paperback, Kindle ver. from Amazon📚 https://a.co/d/7Af00q1Get PDF file from GooseAppleBooks🖥 https://www.gooseapplebooks.com/korean-through-podcasts-two
214. 감기와 증상 🤧 colds and symptoms
This is a Korean podcast for Beginner. Teacher Lee (이 선생님) talked about 감기 colds and symptoms. Please come and watch 😀 한국어 한 조각, https://www.youtube.com/apieceofkorean🌟A Piece of Korean, The radio.여러분의 이야기를 들려 주세요!Tell us your story! 📻 https://forms.gle/j2WMqYgpBCNZPbhs8🌟 Korean Through Podcasts 2 just released!Get paperback, Kindle ver. from Amazon📚 https://a.co/d/7Af00q1Get PDF file from GooseAppleBooks🖥 https://www.gooseapplebooks.com/korean-through-podcasts-two
Acerca de 한국어 한 조각 Korean teacher A piece of Korean
📢 한국어 한 조각 – 오직 한국어로 배우는 한국어!
한국어 몰입 학습(Immersion Learning)으로 자연스럽게 익히세요.
초급부터 고급까지, 여러분의 수준에 맞춘 팟캐스트 & 학습 콘텐츠를 제공합니다.
한국어 전문가와 함께, 더 유창하고 자신 있게!
Immerse yourself in Korean and learn naturally.
From beginner to advanced, we provide podcasts & learning content tailored to your level.
Learn with Korean language experts—speak more fluently and confidently!
✔ 초급자를 위한 기초 문법 & 쉬운 회화
✔ 중급자를 위한 실생활 대화
✔ 중·고급자를 위한 자연스러운 말하기 연습
✔ Basic grammar & simple conversations for beginners
✔ Real-life dialogues for intermediate learners
✔ Natural speaking practice for intermediate & advanced learners
Escucha 한국어 한 조각 Korean teacher A piece of Korean, El Estoico | Estoicismo en español y muchos más podcasts de todo el mundo con la aplicación de radio.es