The Geeta Girl podcast show us how the Bhagavad Geeta teaches us to deal with everyday challenges while helping us live our best lives. Each episode will focus ...
Episode 28: Geeta Girl Discusses Borderlines (We Feel Like We Are Going to Lose Our Minds!)
In this podcast, we continue the conversation about boundaries. Where and when do we draw that line? Your first clue is whenever you feel agitated (a direct quote from Krishna!). Madonna said it best when she sang about the challenges of crossing Borderlines— “feels like I’m going to lose my mind”. When you get that feeling, it’s time to draw that strict boundary. And as she also said, “Nobody should keep on pushing your love over the borderline”. We discuss this and other situations where you should draw the line and create a boundary.
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Chapters and Verses referred to in this podcast:
Ch. 12V15
Ch. 2V58
Ch. 17V19
Ch. 3V8
Ch. 3V33
Ch. 3V26
Ch. 3V35
Ch. 18V47
Ch. 12V2
Episode 27: Geeta Girl Discusses Building Better Boundaries
You set them. Some people respect them. Others ignore them. A few push them. We are talking about boundaries. We know we need them but sometimes they are hard to make and even harder to maintain.
In this new season, we will focus on establishing and maintaining boundaries in all areas of our lives– family, work, friends, and with ourselves. In this podcast, we discuss what the Geeta says about why we need boundaries and how to establish them. Remember that creating boundaries means creating space for you to thrive.
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Episode 26: Geeta Girl Discusses Getting Knocked Down and Getting Up Again
Do your best and leave the rest. Live each day with a feeling of equanimity. Meditate. We know all the things we need to do but how do we start? And what if we start but one day we don’t quite do our best (and definitely don’t leave the rest). How do we push through the frustration of not getting it perfect each day? First off, stop being so hard on yourself! Change is not linear and we all take a stumble or two (or ten) backwards on our journey of growth. In this episode, we share tips from the Geeta on how to start incorporating good habits in your life and how to get back on that path when you veer off.
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Episode 25: Geeta Girl Discusses the Cycle of Life
It can be a do-over, a second chance. It’s a mystery. An incentive to do better. It can make you fearful or hopeful. It can bring a sense of peace. In this podcast, we discuss reincarnation. Does our behavior in this lifetime impact the next? Do our souls reunite with the souls of loved ones in our next life? Join us as we discuss this cycle of birth and death.
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Episode 24: Geeta Girl Discusses Getting What You Deserve
I deserve it! We have all had that thought before. I worked hard therefore I deserve the promotion. I studied hard so I deserve to get into that college. Maybe you thought, I messed up, so I deserve the punishment. But what do we really deserve? In the Geeta, Krishna reminds us that we only have a right to the effort and no right to the result. No one deserves anything – not the good fortune or the bad. The only thing you have a “right” to is the effort itself and not the outcome. If you can't impact the outcome, you may wonder why bother trying? Krishna says that no effort is ever wasted. No matter the outcome, you always learn, grow, and evolve from doing your best. And you deserve that.
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Acerca de Geeta Girl: Evolving Through the Bhagavad Geeta
The Geeta Girl podcast show us how the Bhagavad Geeta teaches us to deal with everyday challenges while helping us live our best lives. Each episode will focus on the issues that many of us face and we will feature guest speakers as well as responses to questions from our Geeta Girl family (send those questions in!) to help us learn how the Geeta is the ultimate self-help guide.
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