考级英语听力材料(专四)26 新闻
0:00 2013年英语专业四级听力 新闻11:14 2013年英语专业四级听力 新闻22:16 2013年英语专业四级听力 新闻33:25 2013年英语专业四级听力 新闻44:25 2013年英语专业四级听力 新闻52013年英语专业四级听力 新闻1Digital textbooks are transforming the way many students learn.电子课本正在改变着许多学生的学习方式。All the Fairfax County Public Schools have begun using online course material for their middle- and high-school students.费尔法克斯县的所有公立初高中学校已经开始使用网络课程资料了。This school year, the schools shifted from hard cover to electronic textbooks for social studies in its middle and high schools.本学年,初高中的学校的社会学科不再使用硬书皮装订课本,而改成了使用电子课本。The switch came after digital books were used in 15 schools last year.这一改变是继去年的十五所学校使用电子课本之后发生的。"Our students come to us technologically ready to use resources from a variety of different places," says Assistant Superintendent Peter Noonan.“我们的学生来学校学习,在技术层面上他们已经能够使用从不同来源获得的学习资源,”助理院长彼得·努南说。"The world is changing constantly. The online textbooks can change right along with the events that are happening."“世界在不停地变化。在线课本可以随着发生的事情而改变。”There's a significant financial benefit as well.另外一个显著地优势体现在经济方面。"Usually it is between $50 and $70 to buy a textbook for each student," Noonan says,“通常一本教材的费用是每个学生50——70美元,”努南说,"which adds up to roughly $8 million for all of our students.“我们所有的学生的教材费用加起来大概是800万美元。We actually have purchased all of the online textbooks for our students for just under $6 million."而我们为学生们购买的各科在线教材实际上总共用了不到600万美元。”2013年英语专业四级听力 新闻2A man was arrested on suspicion of attempting to carry explosives through a security checkpoint at an airport, authorities said.官方人士称,一男子因涉嫌企图携带爆炸品通过机场安检口被捕。Trey Scott Atwater was taken into custody Saturday morning after Transportation Security Administration agents spotted what they described as a suspicious item.周六上午,运输安全管理局发现特雷伊·斯科特·阿特沃特随身携带的可疑物品后将其拘捕。The item was in his carry-on during X-ray screening at a security checkpoint at the airport, an FBI spokesman said in a statement.美国联邦调查局发言人在发表的一次声明中称,在通过机场安检的X光筛检时,该可疑物品就在他随身携带的行李中。Neither the FBI nor the TSA identified the explosives,尽管机场方面的发言人说该炸药是由“军用包装包裹”,美国联邦调查局和运输安全管理局都未能核实其类型,though an airport spokeswoman said the items were "wrapped in military grade wrapping" and are in the possession of the police.目前该爆炸物扣押在警方手中。At no time was there any danger to the people at the airport.当时机场内人员的安全并未受到威胁。The airport terminal was temporarily evacuated while authorities "conducted a sweep, and deemed all clear," said a city spokeswoman.一名市政府的发言人称,当局疏散了机场候机楼内所有人员进行安全排查,并最终确定无安全威胁。Atwater has been arrested on a federal count of attempting to get on an aircraft with an explosive.阿特沃特因企图携带爆炸品登机被联邦政府拘捕。2013年英语专业四级听力 新闻3In Dakar, psychiatric patients attend regular art therapy classes to help treat mental disorders.在达喀尔,精神病患者定期参加艺术治疗课程来治疗精神疾病。The therapy can be a useful technique to complement traditional forms of psychotherapy.这种疗法是一种可以弥补传统形式的精神疗法不足的有效方法。Psychiatrist sin the Senegalese capital's main hospital see it as an essential part of the healing process.在塞内加尔首都的大医院里的精神科医生将其视为治愈过程的一个必要部分。Art as psychotherapy is still relatively new in Senegal.在塞内加尔将艺术作为一种疗法仍属罕见。Dr.Tabara Sylla, the hospital's chief psychiatrist, uses art therapy,塔巴拉·西拉医生,该医院的精神病主治医师,在给她的患者治疗各种病症时用到了艺术治疗,medication and classical forms of psychotherapy in her practice,冥想以及传统的精神疗法,treating everything from chronic depression to alcohol abuse and schizophrenia.这些病症包括慢性抑郁、酗酒以及精神分裂。At first the project started as a way to keep patients busy in the afternoon,刚开始时,这种方式只是为了让患者在下午有事可做,rather than have them sitting around smoking.不只是闲坐着抽烟。It soon became clear that art was creating a communication bridge between patient and doctor.但是很快医生发现艺术在患者与病人之间搭建起了一个沟通的桥梁。More and more now, she says, art workshops have become essential therapy,她说,现在艺术学习班作为一种疗法变得越来越不可或缺,so much that she cannot imagine this psychiatric unit without them.她甚至不敢想象精神科如果没有它会是什么情景。2013年英语专业四级听力 新闻4The Federal Aviation Administration, or FAA,美国联邦航空管理局,又称联邦航空局,the government agency that regulates civil aviation in the United States,是美国监督和管理民用航空事业的政府机构。announced new rules this month to combat pilot fatigue.该机构于本月宣布了新规定以防止飞行员疲劳驾驶。The new guidelines, which will go into effect in two years,这项新规定将在两年内实施,call for reducing the number of pilots' on-duty hours and giving them a 10-hour rest period between shifts,规定减少飞行员的值班时间,并让其在两班之间有10个小时的休息时间,so they can get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.这样他们就可以至少睡八小时而不受人打扰。The new rules apply to only pilots of passenger airlines.这项规定只针对客机的飞行员。FAA determined that including pilots who fly cargo planes,联邦航空局认为货机占到了整个航空业的一大部分,a large segment of the aviation industry would add too much to the cost of implementing the changes.如果将其包括进来,这项新规定的实施成本将会过高。But the Independent Pilots Association has filed a lawsuit asking the government to set one level of safety for all pilots.但是独立飞行员协会已经就此提起诉讼,要求政府为所有飞行员设置同一水平的安全保障标准。2013年英语专业四级听力 新闻5The world will need to double food production within the next three decades,在未来的三十年里,全球粮食的产量将需增加一倍,in order to feed a rapidly growing and increasingly affluent population,才足以养活快速增长并且日益富足的人口。which is projected to grow from 7 billion today to 9 billion.预计三十年内世界人口将从现在的70亿增长至90亿。A United Nation report says reaching that goal will require major increases in intensive,一份联合国的报告显示,要实现这一目标,就需要加强畜牧业的集约化;high-efficiency livestock operations for both meat and dairy production.无论是在肉类制品还是乳制品的生产方面。The report also says that intensive livestock operations can pose serious ecological risks.报告还显示,集约化的畜牧业生产会导致严重的生态风险。And that's why environmental critics are calling instead for reductions in global livestock production,这就是一些环保主义者呼吁减少畜牧业产品产量,and urging people to consume less, not more, meat in their diets.并要求人们减少而非增加对肉类的消费的原因。Feeding today's population is a challenge for an already-stressed environment.养活现存的人口对已经资源紧张的环境来说是一个挑战。The challenge is how to ensure food without increasing animal numbers and having an impact on fragile lands and our resource bases.这个挑战就是如何在不增加牲畜数量、不对脆弱的土地和我们的资源基数造成影响的基础之上保证人口食物的来源。More than half of the agricultural land in the world is used to raise and feed livestock.世界上有一半的可耕种土地被用来喂养牲畜。Those farm animals are also responsible for 18 percent of the greenhousegases released into the atmosphere every year.另外,每年释放到大气中的温室气体中有18%是这些生活在农场的牲畜制造出来的。Experts agree that the next few decades will present a puzzle,专家们同意这种说法:人类在将来的几十年中会遇到一个难题——howto feed nine billion people without wrecking the planet in the process.如何在不毁坏地球的前提下养活90亿人口。