Why I Stay Mormon in 2025 - Proving Contraries w/ Dave McKenzie | Ep. 2004
After being inspired by the Mormon Stories Paul brothers episode, Dave courageously shares his powerful journey through faith, family struggles, and self-discovery. From his upbringing in a traditional Mormon household to navigating complex questions about church history, LGBTQ+ issues, and personal loss, Dave's story is one of resilience and hope. He reflects on his brother's tragic passing, his evolving beliefs, and why he ultimately chooses to stay active in the church today. Tune in for a heartfelt conversation about faith, doubt, and finding meaning through it all.Show NotesYouTube00:03:12 Dave’s intention for coming on Mormon Stories00:08:03 Dave’s mormon story begins - explaining family background00:13:41 Story of backpacking with his brother and having an accident00:24:46 Dave’s mission to Warsaw, Poland00:34:50 Life after his mission - dating and marriage01:01:05 Dave’s experience with a Roman Catholic woman that inspired him - introduced him to interracial marriage01:13:30 Dave thought “If I remain silent now, I am a hypocrite to my own testimony” (regarding his friend leaving the church)01:21:04 Why do we call it going down the rabbit hole when it is actually coming out into the light?01:45:00 “Does God help amputees?” argument02:00:50 “There has to be recognition that what we were taught was not the truth”02:17:30 Why John Dehlin does Mormon Stories02:46:17 Elder Holland “greatest missionary of all time” experience02:59:55 Dave discusses the Book of Mormon03:36:44 Dave’s younger brother, Dan, passed away in 202303:44:19 What are the main reasons that he chooses to stay active in 2025?04:01:26 What is his response to the fact that the church does a lot of harm to people as well? How does he personally work through this04:11:30 Dave feels that there are real advancements being made in the church currently04:20:24 ConclusionMormon Stories Thanks Our Generous Donors!Help us continue to deliver quality content by becoming a donor today:One-time or recurring donation through DonorboxSupport us on PatreonPayPalVenmoOur Platforms:YouTubePatreonSpotifyApple PodcastsContact us:
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