Do you ever feel that preparing for your weekly Come, Follow Me lesson falls short? Join hosts Hank Smith and John Bytheway as they interview experts to make yo...
Replanting Weeds • followHIM Favorites • March 17-23 • Come Follow Me
SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTSEnglish: EPISODES/SHOW NOTESfollowHIM website: https://www.followHIMpodcast.comFREE PDF DOWNLOADS OF followHIM QUOTE BOOKSNew Testament: Testament: NEWSLETTER MEDIAInstagram: to the followHIM team:Steve & Shannon Sorensen: Cofounder, Executive Producer, SponsorDavid & Verla Sorensen: SponsorsDr. Hank Smith: Co-hostJohn Bytheway: Co-hostDavid Perry: ProducerKyle Nelson: Marketing, SponsorLisa Spice: Client Relations, Editor, Show NotesJamie Neilson: Social Media, Graphic DesignWill Stoughton: Video EditorKrystal Roberts: Translation Team, English & French Transcripts, WebsiteAriel Cuadra: Spanish TranscriptsAmelia Kabwika : Portuguese Transcripts"Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise" by Marshall McDonald
Doctrine & Covenants 23-26 Part 2 • Sis. Morgan Pearson • March 17-March 23 • Come Follow Me
Sister Morgan Pearson continues to examine Emma’s instruction to be a scribe and compile hymns for the Church. Sister Pearson also explores Emma’s experience with plural marriage and the importance of covenants, forgiveness, and the beauty and strength of this complicated person from Church History.SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTSEnglish: EPISODES/SHOW NOTESfollowHIM website: https://www.followHIMpodcast.comFREE PDF DOWNLOADS OF followHIM QUOTE BOOKSNew Testament: Testament: NEWSLETTER MEDIAInstagram: - Part 2 - Sister Morgan Pearson00:15 Why didn’t Emma go West?04:56 D&C 25:7 - Expound and exhort07:07 Emma’s ministering nature09:47 Keep a journal12:22 D& 25:9 - Joseph to support Emma14:16 Using your brain vs relying on computer power17:13 BYU Citation Index21:37 The Lord values women in the Church25:11 D&C 25:11-12 - Emma’s hymn book29:01 Calee Reed’s thoughts on spiritual music32:46 Jesus sings hymns before His Atonement34:36 Answering questions about polygamy39:37 Nephi and trusting God43:08 Brittany Chapman Nash’s Let’s Talk About Polygamy47:47 “An Open Letter to Emma Smith” by Morgan Pearson51:23 Historians and good sources54:19 Elder Maxwell on meekness59:04 Emma’s fingerprints on the Church01:04:52 - End of Part II - Sister Morgan PearsonThanks to the followHIM team:Steve & Shannon Sorensen: Cofounder, Executive Producer, SponsorDavid & Verla Sorensen: SponsorsDr. Hank Smith: Co-hostJohn Bytheway: Co-hostDavid Perry: ProducerKyle Nelson: Marketing, SponsorLisa Spice: Client Relations, Editor, Show NotesJamie Neilson: Social Media, Graphic DesignWill Stoughton: Video EditorKrystal Roberts: Translation Team, English & French Transcripts, WebsiteAriel Cuadra: Spanish TranscriptsAmelia Kabwika : Portuguese Transcripts"Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise" by Marshall McDonald
Doctrine & Covenants 23-26 Part 1 •• Sis. Morgan Pearson • March 17-March 23 • Come Follow Me
How can we live up to our privileges? Sister Morgan Pearson explores the Lord’s words to Emma Smith. She instructs her to expound on scripture and how Joseph and Emma’s relationship is a blessing to them and an example to modern-day Saints.SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTSEnglish: EPISODES/SHOW NOTESfollowHIM website: https://www.followHIMpodcast.comFREE PDF DOWNLOADS OF followHIM QUOTE BOOKSNew Testament: Testament: NEWSLETTER MEDIAInstagram: - Part 1 - Sister Morgan Pearson01:10 Section is about Emma, not only hymns02:14 Come, Follow Me Manual and President Freeman’s talk06:11 Redemption of Emma Smith09:30 Emma’s great loses12:25 Morgan Pearson’s bio16:03 Asking good questions19:04 A healthier approach to Emma24:11 Section 23 and 24 include Emma27:26 D&C 24:8: Be patient in afflictions29:56 Living Up to Your Privileges by President Emily Freeman33:06 The Lord addresses Emma by name37:11 Answered prayers and disappointments43:28 Emma’s witness of the plates44:22 An elect lady and Emma called to expound scripture48:39 Catching the spirit of Relief Society51:43 Called to be a comfort to Joseph54:52 Letters from Emma57:33 Joseph’s letter from Carthage to Emma01:01:47 President Freeman and living without regret01:04:22 End of Part 1 - Sister Morgan PearsonThanks to the followHIM team:Steve & Shannon Sorensen: Cofounder, Executive Producer, SponsorDavid & Verla Sorensen: SponsorsDr. Hank Smith: Co-hostJohn Bytheway: Co-hostDavid Perry: ProducerKyle Nelson: Marketing, SponsorLisa Spice: Client Relations, Editor, Show NotesJamie Neilson: Social Media, Graphic DesignWill Stoughton: Video EditorKrystal Roberts: Translation Team, English & French Transcripts, WebsiteAriel Cuadra: Spanish TranscriptsAmelia Kabwika : Portuguese Transcripts"Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise" by Marshall McDonald
Home Teaching Drug Deal • followHIM Favorites • March 10-16 • Come Follow Me
SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTSEnglish: EPISODES/SHOW NOTESfollowHIM website: https://www.followHIMpodcast.comFREE PDF DOWNLOADS OF followHIM QUOTE BOOKSNew Testament: Testament: NEWSLETTER MEDIAInstagram: to the followHIM team:Steve & Shannon Sorensen: Cofounder, Executive Producer, SponsorDavid & Verla Sorensen: SponsorsDr. Hank Smith: Co-hostJohn Bytheway: Co-hostDavid Perry: ProducerKyle Nelson: Marketing, SponsorLisa Spice: Client Relations, Editor, Show NotesJamie Neilson: Social Media, Graphic DesignWill Stoughton: Video EditorKrystal Roberts: Translation Team, English & French Transcripts, WebsiteAriel Cuadra: Spanish TranscriptsAmelia Kabwika : Portuguese Transcripts"Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise" by Marshall McDonald
Doctrine & Covenants 20-22 Part 2 • Dr. Casey Griffiths • March 10-16 • Come Follow Me
Dr. Casey Griffiths continues to explore Doctrine and Covenants 20-22 and discusses topics such as the role of grace and works, the purpose of church ordinances and programs, and the nature of church leadership and revelation.SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTSEnglish: EPISODES/SHOW NOTESfollowHIM website: https://www.followHIMpodcast.comFREE PDF DOWNLOADS OF followHIM QUOTE BOOKSNew Testament: Testament: NEWSLETTER MEDIAInstagram: - Part 2 - Dr. Casey Griffiths01:51 New lyrics to “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus”04:48 Stephen E. Robinson’s story of a daughter and the ocean09:24 D&C 20 - Division of the section11:45 The ministering brother to Joseph Smith15:07 The Church is as True as the Gospel by Eugene England18:20 Dr. Griffiths shares his ward’s love for his son21:00 Video game testimony and a Vietnam Vet24:16 D&C 20:70 - an overview and saving ordinances28:34 Church programs change35:46 The true and living Church37:40 Seer and seership42:02 Apostle and elder44:31 Patience and faith and two stories of friendship51:08 D&C 21:6 - Weeping for Zion52:52 D&C 22 - Background56:08 Dr. Griffiths shares his thoughts about Joseph Smith01:01:38 Church History Matters Podcast01:06:26 End of Part II - Dr. Casey GriffithsThanks to the followHIM team:Steve & Shannon Sorensen: Cofounder, Executive Producer, SponsorDavid & Verla Sorensen: SponsorsDr. Hank Smith: Co-hostJohn Bytheway: Co-hostDavid Perry: ProducerKyle Nelson: Marketing, SponsorLisa Spice: Client Relations, Editor, Show NotesJamie Neilson: Social Media, Graphic DesignWill Stoughton: Video EditorKrystal Roberts: Translation Team, English & French Transcripts, WebsiteAriel Cuadra: Spanish TranscriptsAmelia Kabwika : Portuguese Transcripts"Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise" by Marshall McDonald
Do you ever feel that preparing for your weekly Come, Follow Me lesson falls short? Join hosts Hank Smith and John Bytheway as they interview experts to make your study for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Come, Follow Me course not only enjoyable but original and educational. If you are looking for resources to make your LDS study fresh, faithful, and fun--no matter your age--then join us every Wednesday morning. Show notes: YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: followHIM Podcast is not affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The opinions expressed on episodes represent the views of the guest and podcasters alone.