This is a podcast by and for kids giving you the coolest facts about the coolest animals. We research our episodes carefully, distilling the information into ma...
Learn all about the milk snake, including its cool defense mechanisms, how to tell it apart from its dangerous cousins, and lots more. Plus, some "funny" jokes from Jaguar.
In this episode we learn about a super cool sea bird, the albatross. The albatross has a huge wingspan, can soar for hundreds of miles, and has an unusual mating dance. Check it out here. We learn about all these things and more in this episode! Contact us at or support us on Patreon at: Thanks for listening!
Star-nosed Mole
In this episode, we learn all about the amazing star-nosed mole. This super-smeller has one of the most incredible noses in the animal kingdom - and one of the oddest looking. It's also an excellent hunter - and eater. Thank you to Penny for the suggestion and for being our Patreon sponsor! You can sponsor us here: Reach out to us at
Cochineal Beetle
We're back! With a brand new episode on the Cochineal Beetle. This beetle has an ancient past - and has been used to do everything from make ink for the Aztecs to coloring Starbucks Frappuccinos. It also has a really cool trick to stay cool in the heat. Plus, we learn some cool facts about the male beetle - and it's lack of an important body part. Thanks for your patience during our busy spring! We'd love to hear from you -
Replay: Cicadas
Hello friends! It's been a while! We've been on hiatus while the kids have been busy with various school and personal obligations, but we're looking forward to putting out a new episode in May! In the meantime, please enjoy this rebroadcast of our cicada episode. Although this one is about Brood X, you'll still find lots of similarities with the two new broods of cicadas emerging across the US right now.
This is a podcast by and for kids giving you the coolest facts about the coolest animals. We research our episodes carefully, distilling the information into manageable segments, focusing on the things that really make these animals unusual. Thanks for listening!