#12102 Did the Declaration of Independence Reference the Biblical Creator? - Andrew Willard Jones
Did the Declaration of Independence reference the Biblical Creator? In this episode, we discuss The Church Against the State with Dr. Andrew Willard Jones.…
#12101 Do Catholics Have to Accept Darwin’s Theory of Evolution? - Stacy Trasancos
What does the Church say about evolution? Dr. Stacy Trasancos explores the compatibility of Darwin’s theory with Church teaching and more on faith & science…
#12100 Does God Really Forget Our Sins If He Is All-Knowing? - Jimmy Akin
If God is omniscient, how can He "forget" sins forgiven in Confession? Jimmy Akin explains this theological mystery and answers more questions.…
#12099 How Does Aristotle’s Philosophy Explain Transubstantiation? - Jimmy Akin
How do substance and accidents help us understand the Eucharist? Jimmy Akin unpacks Aristotle’s influence on Catholic theology and more questions.…
#12098 Why Can’t Catholics Receive Both Species of the Eucharist? - Tim Staples
Protestants often receive both bread and wine, so why don’t all Catholics? Tim Staples explains this and more, including annulment cases.…