The Truth & Justice Podcast is listener driven show, devoted to the pursuit of truth and justice. Host, Bob Ruff, investigates potential wrongful conviction and...
Bob invites his good friend Bob Motta of The Defense Diaries podcast onto the show to help us make sense of Richard Allen's trial and conviction. Allen was convicted for the murders of Libby German and Abby Williams in Delphi, Indiana. After the trial many people question whether Allen is truly guilty. In this special "Bobcast" the Bob's get into the weeds, and talk about the details from the trial.
The majority of the funding of our work comes directly from listeners, through our Patreon community. To join Patreon, click THIS LINK. At the $5/month level you'll get access to lots of Patreon Only BONUS EPISODES, Ad Free versions of all episodes, an hour of Patreon Exclusive video content every week, and our new weekly podcast “Pre-Game”, which drops every Wednesday. Not to mention early access to some episodes and the ability to watch and participate in interviews live.
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1st Phorm – Get free shipping on all orders over $75, and new customers get the 1st Phorm app for free for 30 days with purchase. You’ll receive an email with the app offer after your purchase. Get started on your fitness goals today at
S15 Ep21: Follow-Up S15: E21
Bob and Zaq talk about Bob's closing argument in depth and answer listener questions.
Today's Sponsor:
Uncommon Goods – Go to for 15% off.
The majority of the funding of our work comes directly from listeners, through our Patreon community. To join Patreon, click THIS LINK. At the $5/month level you'll get access to lots of Patreon Only BONUS EPISODES, Ad Free versions of all episodes, an hour of Patreon Exclusive video content every week, and our new weekly podcast “Pre-Game”, which drops every Wednesday. Not to mention early access to some episodes and the ability to watch and participate in interviews live.
S15 Ep21: Not Guilty
Frustration in the lackluster job done by Jodi's trial attorney, leads Bob to create and deliver his own closing argument. He walks a hypothetical jury through the evidence presented at trial, and makes a strong case for a verdict of Not Guilty.
The majority of the funding of our work comes directly from listeners, through our Patreon community. To join Patreon, click THIS LINK. At the $5/month level you'll get access to lots of Patreon Only BONUS EPISODES, Ad Free versions of all episodes, an hour of Patreon Exclusive video content every week, and our new weekly podcast “Pre-Game”, which drops every Wednesday. Not to mention early access to some episodes and the ability to watch and participate in interviews live.
Today's Sponsor:
1st Phorm – Get free shipping on all orders over $75, and new customers get the 1st Phorm app for free for 30 days with purchase. You’ll receive an email with the app offer after your purchase. Get started on your fitness goals today at
S15 Ep20: Follow-Up S15: E20
Bob and Janet discuss the Defense Closing arguments and answer listener questions.
Today’s Sponsors:
Uncommon Goods – Go to for 15% off.
Factor – Go to and use code “truth50” to get 50% off your first box and 20% off your next month.
1st Phorm – Get free shipping on all orders over $75, and new customers get the 1st Phorm app for free for 30 days with purchase. You’ll receive an email with the app offer after your purchase. Get started on your fitness goals today at
The majority of the funding of our work comes directly from listeners, through our Patreon community. To join Patreon, click THIS LINK. At the $5/month level you'll get access to lots of Patreon Only BONUS EPISODES, Ad Free versions of all episodes, an hour of Patreon Exclusive video content every week, and our new weekly podcast “Pre-Game”, which drops every Wednesday. Not to mention early access to some episodes and the ability to watch and participate in interviews live.
S15 Ep20: The Defense Closing Argument
Bob breaks down Defense Attorney Ernie White's closing argument, and Prosecutor Art Cotter's rebuttal. We learn how Jodi's trial came to its conclusion before the jury was sent to deliberate.
The majority of the funding of our work comes directly from listeners, through our Patreon community. To join Patreon, click THIS LINK. At the $5/month level you'll get access to lots of Patreon Only BONUS EPISODES, Ad Free versions of all episodes, an hour of Patreon Exclusive video content every week, and our new weekly podcast “Pre-Game”, which drops every Wednesday. Not to mention early access to some episodes and the ability to watch and participate in interviews live.
Today's Sponsor:
Naked Wines – To get Naked Wine’s 6 bottle for $39.99 offer, head to and use code TRUTH for both the code AND password.
The Truth & Justice Podcast is listener driven show, devoted to the pursuit of truth and justice. Host, Bob Ruff, investigates potential wrongful conviction and cold cases using a unique crowdsourcing approach. Bob invites listeners to participate in the investigations, as he breaks down a new case in each season in real time. Truth & Justice season 15 follows and investigates the potential wrongful conviction of Jodi (Joseph) Hill, and the divide between the people of Benton Harbor Michigan and the police force tasked with serving and protecting them.