Hang out with Kristen, creator of bemybreastfriend, while you kick your feet up and feed your little one. No matter your choice of feeding, these podcasts sessi...
47. Safe Sunscreen & Insect Repellent with Melissa of Pharmomcist
As summer rolls around, it's time to think about the sun and those pesky bugs. I don’t know about you, but the amount of options out there to keep my family safe can feel overwhelming. In today’s episode, I sit down with Melissa, a clinical pharmacist and creator of Pharmomcist, about the best practices and products for using bug repellents and sunscreens. We’re here to make your summer life as mom easier and safer. Whether you’re planning a family day at the beach or a simple backyard BBQ, this episode is packed with the insights you need to make the best choices.Tune in to hear: Tips on choosing the right products for you and your children The importance of proper application (and removal!) How to understand product percentages when choosing your repellents and sunscreens The importance of avoiding hazardous practices in the hot weatherConnect with Melissa: Instagram: @pharmomacistCheck out Melissa's PDF on SUNSCREENCheck out Melissa's PDF on BUG REPELLENTPrevious episodes with Melissa: Episode 7 - Medications and BreastfeedingEpisode 17 - Thrush and Breastfeeding Follow @bemybreastfriend on InstagramBemybreastfriend.combemybreastfriend Amazon Storebemybreastfriend YouTube
46. C-Section Recovery with Liesel Teen
Ever wondered what it really takes to recover from a C-section and regain your strength and confidence? Whether you're gearing up for your 1st or 4th C-section, we have some tips for you. In today's episode, I sit down with the incredible Liesel Teen, labor and delivery nurse and founder of Mommy Labor Nurse. C-section recovery can be more challenging than a vaginal delivery due to the major abdominal surgery involved. From essential prep tips to must-know post-delivery advice like using abdominal binders, taking it slow, and even a neat trick for tackling stairs—we cover it all. In today's episode, we explore: The importance of stocking up on extra help at home and preparing for the recovery period with the same diligence as prepping for the C-section itselfTips for a methodical and gentle approach to significantly aid in your recovery process and prevent additional strain on your bodyWays to utilize medical support devices to support your healing processWhy recovery involves managing pain and preventing complications with medication Resources:https://mommylabornurse.comBundled classes https://mommylabornurse.com/classes-and-resources/IG- https://www.instagram.com/mommy.labornurse?igsh=MXc1djE1bmtvb21iYQ==Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast episode with Kristen as guest- https://mommylabornurse.com/podcast/expert-guest/pumping-tips-kristen-krahl/Follow @bemybreastfriend on InstagramBemybreastfriend.combemybreastfriend Amazon Storebemybreastfriend YouTube
45. Reasons to Exclusively Pump
If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that we shouldn't be judging any mom for how they choose to feed their child. We all have different needs and lifestyles and what works for one family may not work for another. In this episode, I'm sharing a few reasons why you may consider exclusively pumping for your breastfeeding journey. Ultimately, whether you choose to exclusively pump due to work, personal reasons, or convenience, you know what's best for your family. Tune in to hear:Why you may want to bring your breast pump to the hospitalEncouragement on sticking to what works for you, even if lactation professionals have their own approachA few reasons why you may choose to exclusively pumpThe importance of finding and creating a supportive environment for your breastfeeding journey-whatever that looks likeFollow @bemybreastfriend on InstagramBemybreastfriend.combemybreastfriend Amazon Storebemybreastfriend YouTube
44. Maximizing Your Mobile Pumping Options
Let's face it: there are a lot of options out there when it comes to breast pumps. Whether your social media feed is flooded with ads for trendy pumps, or you are seeing the advertisements in other spaces, it can feel very overwhelming. In today's episode, I discuss the effectiveness of various pumps, debunking myths about size and efficiency. Remember, the right pump and setup can revolutionize your breastfeeding experience, ensuring both comfort and efficacy. I want to make sure you feel confident and empowered in your choice! Tune in to hear:Why personalization is such a vital part of your breast pump decision (one-size does not fit all!)How to seek out versatility and value as you compare options Why I believe that size doesn't determine efficiencyBust breast pump myths and tackle common misconceptions head-onResources and Affiliate Codes:Mimi and Pal: https://www.mimiandpal.com/?ref=bemybreastfrienduse code BEMYBREASTFRIEND15 for 15% offBabyBuddha: https://babybuddhaproducts.com/BEMYBREASTFRIENDuse code BEMYBREASTFRIEND for 10% offPumpables: https://pumpables.co/?ref=breastfrienduse code BREASTFRIEND for 10% offnew Phanpy cups- https://urlgeni.us/amzn/PhanpyCLosedCupsuse code 1515KRISTEN for 15% offMedela plastic cups- https://urlgeni.us/amzn/medelaCUPSFollow @bemybreastfriend on InstagramBemybreastfriend.combemybreastfriend Amazon Storebemybreastfriend YouTubeSponsor: Mimi and Pal - 15% off with code BEMYBREASTFRIEND15
43. Sarah Wells + Back to Work
Ever wonder what it takes to make life work as a pumping mom in the professional world? In today's episode, we dive into the world of Sarah Wells, who revolutionized the industry with stylish yet functional breast pump bags. Tune in to discover how empowerment, innovation, and motherhood can intersect.Tune in to hear: Challenges faced by working mothersWhat drove Sarah to start her own line of functional and stylish pump bagsThe inspiration and drive for Sarah to write a book focusing on advising employers on how to support working mothersInsight on what's in the works at Sarah Wells - from upcoming product launches and potential collaborationsSarah's vision for a thriving future for working mothersSarah's Resources:Sarah's first book, Go Ask Your Mothers: One Simple Step for Managers to Support Working Moms for Team Success (Matt Holt Books) releases on August 13th and can be pre-ordered now; visit goaskyourmothers.com.You can find Sarah Wells pump bags, coolers, bras, and of course the collaboration products with Kristen of @bemybreastfriend at sarahwellsbags.com.Pre-order on Amazon - https://urlgeni.us/amzn/GoAskYourMotherSarahWellsFollow @bemybreastfriend on InstagramBemybreastfriend.combemybreastfriend Amazon Storebemybreastfriend YouTube Sponsor: Sarah Wells Bags- 15% off your order with code 'TIREDMOMS15'
Hang out with Kristen, creator of bemybreastfriend, while you kick your feet up and feed your little one. No matter your choice of feeding, these podcasts sessions ranging from 15-30 minutes should cover the duration of your baby’s appetite. Interviews, product reviews and every day friendly chit chat will keep your sessions entertained and informed!
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