Medicine Buddha meditation utilising the power and blessing of the seven Medicine Buddhas.
We start with motivation, generating the correct way of approaching this practice, which means not just doing this meditation for our own benefit, it should benefit all beings.
This practice was recorded in Kopan Gompa, Nepal.
Spaces have been added to aid meditation. Please contact me by email for a copy of the sadhana.
Episode 11
Teaching on meditation and how to meditate.....good listening!
Boomerangs and karma!
Fantastic teaching on karma and how it works, whether we believe in it or not. We throw out dangerous, knife edged boomerangs and they return, not immediately, but exactly when we don't want them to return!
Meditation in Bodh Gaya
Two simple, uplifting meditations, very good for starting the day. Recorded in Bodh Gaya at Root Institute this year, during the "All About Karma" course with Ani Rita.