This morning on the show, after months of putting the Band Of Mum And Dad together, we were finally able to hear them perform! And The Band Of Mum And Dad's lead singer Charlie paired up with Matt Dyson as they had a go at Five Words Five Grand before it makes its return next week! ALSO, Matt Dyson might have found the creepiest AI story yet...
We Meet The Band Of Mum And Dad 25!
This morning, Dave and the team FINALLY met this years Band Of Mum And Dad!! The Band joined the team on the show ahead of a day full of rehearsals!
Ronnie Pickering Hey Jude
This morning, it was Matt versus Glenn for a game of Beat The Intro! And, it was Matt Dysons turn to hand in his Cool Badge as he explained why he was mistaken for an alien.
6 Degrees Of Men Behaving Badly
This morning, Matt showed his age / Dave showed it for him... AND, Dave and the team wanted to know all about your home towns...
The Hot Tub Thirsk Trap
This morning, the team explained what makes them weird this week... and Matt delivered a Queen Social Ammo special!