Pokémon Legends Z-A, Pokémon PRESENTS & NEW Pokémon Stadium? | Nontendo Podcast #1311
There was a NEW Pokemon Presents today, showcasing the first look at POKEMON LEGENDS Z-A, possibly a NEW Pokemon Stadium style game and MORE, let's DEEP DIVE | Supported by PATREON https://patreon.com/NontendoPodcast
Could Nintendo Switch 2 have 2 Screens? | Nontendo Podcast #130
The Nintendo Switch 2 Dual Screen Dream, could this be something Nintendo considers? Also, Gold Points are leaving My Nintendo, there's a Pokemon Presents NEXT WEEK and MORE this week on the Nontendo Podcast | Supported by PATREON https://patreon.com/NontendoPodcast
ALL our Nintendo Switch 2 & NEW Mario Kart Predictions | NATHANIEL BANDY VS NONTENDO #129
ALL our Nintendo Switch 2 and NEW Mario Kart Predictions! feat. Special Guest @NathanielBandy
Is Nintendo Switch the BEST Console EVER? | Nontendo Podcast #128
The Nintendo Switch Passes 150 Million Consoles Sold, with 72 games that sold OVER 1 Million copies, Nintendo Switch 2 is on the horizon but we STILL have 1st Party Games coming to the original console with stocks RISING and annual players staying impressively consistant... is there ANYTHING this console couldn't do? | Supported by PATREON https://patreon.com/NontendoPodcast
I was ACCEPTED into the Nintendo Switch 2 Hands-On Experience! | Nontendo Live #25
Wood is accepted to EXPERIENCE the Nintendo Switch 2 on April 4th in New York City, one of the lucky few! Also, Kim and Wood talk Tariffs on Switch 2, and other news!