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Leaving Egypt Podcast

Podcast Leaving Egypt Podcast
Leaving Egypt
Leaving Egypt is a series of conversations with Jenny Sinclair, Al Roxburgh and guests exploring the vocation of the church in a context of cultural unravelling...

Episodios disponibles

5 de 38
  • EP#37 A new, yet ancient Christian imagination with Peter Aschoff
    In this episode Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Peter Aschoff, a teacher, academic and pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria. Peter currently serves a congregation in Nuremberg. For many years he wrestled with the question of how the Gospel communicates with those post war European generations who had become disconnected from the church. Peter was part of a network that established what came to be known as the “Emergent” church movement in Germany. Like its counterpart in North America, it sought to plant churches that could address those generations shaped by the postmodern turn in the West.However, having reflected on those experimental years and the changing nature of German society, and following his awakening to the great treasure of traditional Christian spirituality, Peter chose to seek ordination in the state Lutheran Church. In this episode Peter recounts the reasons for this decision, and why he sees ancient practices - in particular Jesuit spirituality - as sources of hope at a time of great unsettling across German society. Peter has a deep conviction about God’s agency in this liminal moment. He believes that in letting go of the defaults to power and management, and by forming small, local communities of hope shaped by contemplative practices, we can anticipate and point to God’s bringing forth new ways of being church.- Links -For Peter Aschoff:[email protected]://www.peregrinatio.nethttps://wild-und-unaufhaltsam.deFor Alan J Roxburgh:http://alanroxburgh.com/abouthttps://www.themissionalnetwork.com/author/alan-roxburgh/https://journalofmissionalpractice.com/alan-roxburghTwitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=enFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetworkJoining God in the Great UnravelingLeadership, God’s Agency and DisruptionsJoining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our TimeFor Jenny Sinclair:Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclairLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CGFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUKInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/ Get full access to Leaving Egypt at leavingegyptpodcast.substack.com/subscribe
  • EP#36 The “Jazz” of God’s People with Brian Fraser
    In this episode, Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Brian Fraser. Brian is attentive to the radical shifts in the relationship between church and society, and to leaders of congregations who are asking how to stop decline and how to connect with local communities. Al and Jenny hear how Brian has been forging relationships between his congregation and musicians from the local jazz community, and how this process of dialogical witnessing and learning is revealing the forgiving and reconciling love of God. His story is one of an imagination about being God’s people in a time of significant decline and loss, a journey which, like jazz itself, involves attending closely to the melodies and rhythms of our neighbours. By cultivating interaction between local musicians and members of his congregation, a way of being church emerges where they discover together a new way of listening to the Spirit.Rev. Dr. Brian Fraser is a Canadian church historian who taught at Vancouver School of Theology at the University of British Columbia from 1985 to 2001. There, he was Dean of St. Andrew's Hall, the Presbyterian college associated with VST. His work has been focused on organizational development and leadership, especially in relation to the formation and reformation of institutional cultures. Brian has been involved in forming, leading and coaching nonprofit organizations for many years and in 2002, founded Jazzthink, a company that uses jazz to inspire and generate flourishing organizations. A Presbyterian pastor, in 2009 he returned to parish ministry part-time with Brentwood Presbyterian Church, Burnaby, BC, where he is helping to forge a unique relationship with the jazz community.Links For Brian Fraserhttps://www.rhythmchanges.ca/brian-fraser-brentwood-jazz-worship-ep-76/https://www.facebook.com/bjfraser2/https://www.jazzthink.com/who.htmlhttps://www.brentwoodpcc.com/BooksGenerating a Great Governing Groove: Lessons from JazzFor Alan J Roxburgh:http://alanroxburgh.com/abouthttps://www.themissionalnetwork.com/author/alan-roxburgh/https://journalofmissionalpractice.com/alan-roxburghTwitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=enFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetworkBooksJoining God in the Great UnravelingLeadership, God’s Agency and DisruptionsJoining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our TimeFor Jenny Sinclair:Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclairLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CGFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUKInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/ Get full access to Leaving Egypt at leavingegyptpodcast.substack.com/subscribe
  • EP#35 An Economy of Love and Reciprocity with Luigino Bruni
    In this episode Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Luigino Bruni. It is rare to hear an economist address political economy through the lens of love, the woundedness of relationship or the primacy of gift. These, for Bruni, lie at the heart of a healing form of economic life. His analysis of our neo-liberal time is that it has produced an inhuman system, and the “prudent man”, one who is orientated to take care of his own interests. But as a follower of Jesus, and through deep engagement with Scripture, Bruni is articulating an alternative, civil economy based on reciprocity, what we might call God’s economy. In this episode, we meet a man profoundly inspired by the Catholic tradition, who is relationally, academically and practically devoted to re-humanising our common life.Professor Luigino Bruni is an economist and historian of economic thought. He is Professor of Political Economy at the Lumsa University in Rome, a public non-state Italian university formed on Catholic principles. Here he also coordinates the Phd Programme in Civil Economy. His scholarship of economics extends to biblical commentaries on the history of economic thought as well as to the religious nature of capitalism. Professor Bruni is involved in many grassroots projects devoted to developing a new economic paradigm: he is International Co-ordinator of the Economy of Communion project, a Board member of the Economy of Francesco Foundation and a member of the international Focolare movement. In addition, he is Editor-in-Chief of the International Review of Economics, an active columnist and author of many books.Links for Luigino Brunihttps://www.luiginobruni.it/en/https://francescoeconomy.org/eof-board/https://lumsa.it/it/docenti/luigino-brunihttps://www.edc-online.org/it/header-pubblicazioni/luigino-bruni.htmlhttps://www.luiginobruni.it/it/ec-ea.htmlBooksThe Genesis and Ethos of the MarketCivil Economy: Another Idea of the Market co-authored with Stefano ZamagniThe Wound and the Blessing: Economics, Relationships, and HappinessCapitalism and Christianity: Origins, Spirit and Betrayal of the Market EconomyThe Economy of Salvation: Ethical and Anthropological Foundations of Market Relations in the First Two Books of the BibleThe Economics of Values-Based Organisations: An IntroductionFurther books listed herehttps://www.amazon.co.uk/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3ALuigino%2BBruni&s=relevancerank&text=Luigino+Bruni&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1For Alan J Roxburgh:http://alanroxburgh.com/abouthttps://www.themissionalnetwork.com/author/alan-roxburgh/https://journalofmissionalpractice.com/alan-roxburghTwitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=enFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetworkBooksJoining God in the Great UnravelingLeadership, God’s Agency and DisruptionsJoining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our TimeFor Jenny Sinclair:Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclairLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CGFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUKInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/ Get full access to Leaving Egypt at leavingegyptpodcast.substack.com/subscribe
  • EP#34 A Postliberal Response to the Unravelling with John Milbank
    In this episode Jenny Sinclair and Al Roxburgh talk with John Milbank. Recognizing that no one can predict where this time of cultural and political unravelling is leading, John discusses how God’s people can respond and sees signs of hope. Central to his vision for social renewal is a Christian witness that engages rather than retreats from society. A key figure in the growing postliberal intellectual movement, he outlines their work in the development of a new political economy for the common good. Advocating the fundamental importance of the parish in these times, John describes how its liturgical, confessional and everyday rhythms of life bear a vital, countercultural witness to the true, concrete story of the world, over against all other claims to reality.John Milbank is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Nottingham and co-founder of the Radical Orthodoxy movement. An eminent theologian in the Anglo-Catholic tradition, he is a philosopher, a poet and political theorist. His work crosses disciplinary boundaries, integrating subjects such as metaphysics, systematic theology, social theory, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy, political theory, and political theology. He has previously taught at the universities of Lancaster, Cambridge, and Virginia and is the author of many books. He lives in Southwell, Nottinghamshire, UK.Links for John Milbankhttps://www.newstatesman.com/ideas/2024/12/what-is-postliberalism-nowhttps://x.com/johnmilbank3https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/vision/the-post-liberal-views-shaping-our-political-landscapehttps://www.nottingham.ac.uk/Humanities/Departments/Philosophy/People/john.milbankhttps://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/leading-thinkers/christianity-and-the-politics-of-the-common-goodBooksThe Politics of Virtue: Post-Liberalism and the Human Future, with Adrian Pabst,Theology and Social Theory: Beyond Secular ReasonIntroducing Radical Orthodoxy: Mapping a Post-Secular TheologyBeyond Secular Order: The Representation of Being and the Representation of the Peoplehttps://www.goodreads.com/author/list/122620.John_MilbankFor Alan J Roxburgh:http://alanroxburgh.com/abouthttps://www.themissionalnetwork.com/author/alan-roxburgh/https://journalofmissionalpractice.com/alan-roxburghTwitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=enFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetworkBooksJoining God in the Great UnravelingLeadership, God’s Agency and DisruptionsJoining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our TimeFor Jenny Sinclair:Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclairLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CGFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUKInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/ Get full access to Leaving Egypt at leavingegyptpodcast.substack.com/subscribe
  • EP#33 - End of 2024 Review
    Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair review their Leaving Egypt conversations with guests over 2024 and explore the themes that have been emerging. From exploring what it means to listen meaningfully to the Holy Spirit, to the way political economy is impacting human life, they share their excitement about how God is at work and manifesting in so many ways. Al and Jenny also explore the grassroots stories coming from a variety of local places, each resonant, individual and particular to their own local community, while common in being the outcomes of listening to God in the neighbourhood.- Links -For Alan J Roxburgh:http://alanroxburgh.com/abouthttps://www.themissionalnetwork.com/author/alan-roxburgh/https://journalofmissionalpractice.com/alan-roxburghTwitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=enFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetworkJoining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/refJoining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3For Jenny Sinclair:Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclairLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CGFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUKInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/ Get full access to Leaving Egypt at leavingegyptpodcast.substack.com/subscribe

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Acerca de Leaving Egypt Podcast

Leaving Egypt is a series of conversations with Jenny Sinclair, Al Roxburgh and guests exploring the vocation of the church in a context of cultural unravelling. Leaving Egypt seeks to make sense of this moment for communities of Christians in North America and the UK. In dialogue with guests, they read the signs of the times and share stories of how local expressions of God’s people are contributing to the reweaving of hope in our common life. leavingegyptpodcast.substack.com
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