In this episode Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Peter Aschoff, a teacher, academic and pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria. Peter currently serves a congregation in Nuremberg. For many years he wrestled with the question of how the Gospel communicates with those post war European generations who had become disconnected from the church. Peter was part of a network that established what came to be known as the “Emergent” church movement in Germany. Like its counterpart in North America, it sought to plant churches that could address those generations shaped by the postmodern turn in the West.However, having reflected on those experimental years and the changing nature of German society, and following his awakening to the great treasure of traditional Christian spirituality, Peter chose to seek ordination in the state Lutheran Church. In this episode Peter recounts the reasons for this decision, and why he sees ancient practices - in particular Jesuit spirituality - as sources of hope at a time of great unsettling across German society. Peter has a deep conviction about God’s agency in this liminal moment. He believes that in letting go of the defaults to power and management, and by forming small, local communities of hope shaped by contemplative practices, we can anticipate and point to God’s bringing forth new ways of being church.- Links -For Peter Aschoff:
[email protected]://www.peregrinatio.nethttps://wild-und-unaufhaltsam.deFor Alan J Roxburgh: God in the Great UnravelingLeadership, God’s Agency and DisruptionsJoining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our TimeFor Jenny Sinclair:Website: Get full access to Leaving Egypt at