Today’s Phone Tap victim is hoping to have a relaxing weekend away with his wife, but Brooke's calling to tell him thanks to a convention that’s in town, he might never sleep well again!See for privacy information.
Phone Tap: College Admission Chaos
In your Phone Tap, we call a woman whose daughter is applying to colleges, and in order for us to accept her, mama is gonna need to meet our RIGOROUS standards!See for privacy information.
Phone Tap: Cancelo Subcriptiono
Today’s Phone Tap victim just wants to cancel their language-tutor subscription, but when we’re on the phone NOTHING is ever that easy!See for privacy information.
Phone Tap: Timid Ben Calls The Matchmaker
Today’s Phone Tap victim works for a matchmaking service, and we guarantee she’s never had a client as challenging as TIMID BENJAMIN.See for privacy information.
Phone Tap: Steady Eddy's Motel Oysters
The guy we’re Phone Tapping today claims his job working the front desk at a motel is dreadfully BORING. So we’re hoping to change that with some of the most outrageous room requests he’s ever dealt with!See for privacy information.