What would happen if you put every DND cliche into a bag of holding and then beat it with a humor stick? There’s only one way to find out!A Fool’s Quest is a Du...
The Fools make Camp with the goblins and Eddie, in true illusionist fashion, gives a big reveal. Bill quickly finds himself in a cutthroat situation. Adira gets a crossbow. The goblins are made an offer they can’t refuse, and the Uorag finds himself on the wrong side of a Gelatinous Ooze. After dealing with the oversized Jello the Second Breakfast Club finds a cavern. Surprising literally no one, the cavern is ominous. Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com Cast: Mike Cole = Uorag - Druid Furbolg Shifter. Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone - Human Wizard. Jess Owen = Adira - Fire Genasi Barbarian. Jesse Wicks = Bill Quiverlance - Human Bard. Nico Rodriguez as your DM. If you would like to follow along with our map, you can find it on our social media pages: www.Facebook.com/afoolsquest / www.Instagram.com/afoolsquestpodcast Special thank you to our Patreon Executive Producers: Nick Mead and Patrick T ArsenaultDungeon World: https://dungeon-world.com/ Music: Music Provided in part by Midnight Syndicate. www.MidnightSyndicate.com Additional music provided by Algal the Bard. www.youtube.com/user/alvariu and Epidemic Sound
S8 E31: Flamin’ Hot Beetles
The Fools continue to the Way of Hotesh. Finding the entrance, Eddie hides the group's belongings and heads in. It doesn’t take long for the Second Breakfast Club to find trouble. After getting by the first hurdle, the group finds a goblin city. Ever confident, they walk in, making the absolute minimum effort to disguise themselves. After bargaining hard for their cut of an imaginary payout, the Fools continue on with a few additions. Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com Cast: Mike Cole = Uorag - Druid Furbolg Shifter. Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone - Human Wizard. Jess Owen = Adira - Fire Genasi Barbarian. Jesse Wicks = Bill Quiverlance - Human Bard. Nico Rodriguez as your DM. If you would like to follow along with our map, you can find it on our social media pages: www.Facebook.com/afoolsquest / www.Instagram.com/afoolsquestpodcast Special thank you to our Patreon Executive Producers: Nick Mead and Patrick T ArsenaultDungeon World: https://dungeon-world.com/ Music: Music Provided in part by Midnight Syndicate. www.MidnightSyndicate.com Additional music provided by Algal the Bard. www.youtube.com/user/alvariu and Epidemic Sound
S8 E30: Eddie Kruger
The Fools make it back to Newcity, carefully, because Balrogs. Eddie pays Uncle Fredrick a visit in his sleep. After a night's rest, the Second Breakfast Club sets out and promptly stumbles upon some evokers. After a lot of preparation, they use none of it. Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com Cast: Mike Cole = Uorag - Druid Furbolg Shifter. Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone - Human Wizard. Jess Owen = Adira - Fire Genasi Barbarian. Jesse Wicks = Bill Quiverlance - Human Bard. Nico Rodriguez as your DM. If you would like to follow along with our map, you can find it on our social media pages: www.Facebook.com/afoolsquest / www.Instagram.com/afoolsquestpodcast Special thank you to our Patreon Executive Producers: Nick Mead and Patrick T ArsenaultDungeon World: https://dungeon-world.com/ Music: Music Provided in part by Midnight Syndicate. www.MidnightSyndicate.com Additional music provided by Algal the Bard. www.youtube.com/user/alvariu and Epidemic Sound
S8 E29: Looks Who’s Demons Now
The Fools face off against a 15 Adira-size Balrog, prompting Eddie to bring out the big guns. A little bit of wild magic makes a party of bullfrogs before Adira splits off from the group to be a genie. After agreeing to haunt and or murder some children’s uncle, the party brainstorms ways to commit said crimes with the least work possible. Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com Cast: Mike Cole = Uorag - Druid Furbolg Shifter. Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone - Human Wizard. Jess Owen = Adira - Fire Genasi Barbarian. Jesse Wicks = Bill Quiverlance - Human Bard. Nico Rodriguez as your DM. If you would like to follow along with our map, you can find it on our social media pages: www.Facebook.com/afoolsquest / www.Instagram.com/afoolsquestpodcast Special thank you to our Patreon Executive Producers: Nick Mead and Patrick T ArsenaultDungeon World: https://dungeon-world.com/ Music: Music Provided in part by Midnight Syndicate. www.MidnightSyndicate.com Additional music provided by Algal the Bard. www.youtube.com/user/alvariu and Epidemic Sound
S8 E28: Tomb it May Concern
The Fools arrive at the Crypt of the Spice Lords, where they are quickly greeted by a portal. After Adira comes through, Eddie decides that's enough people. The party soon discovers that the Crypts have changed since Thorkillin left. Eddie almost dies while passing the first obstacle; "almost" being the key word. The Second Breakfast Club soon finds themselves in a burial room. After some light grave robbing, they feel the need to leave in a hurry. Despite their attempts to fly, the Fools come face to face with a large frog. Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com Cast: Mike Cole = Uorag - Druid Furbolg Shifter. Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone - Human Wizard. Jess Owen = Adira - Fire Genasi Barbarian. Jesse Wicks = Bill Quiverlance - Human Bard. Nico Rodriguez as your DM. If you would like to follow along with our map, you can find it on our social media pages: www.Facebook.com/afoolsquest / www.Instagram.com/afoolsquestpodcast Special thank you to our Patreon Executive Producers: Nick Mead and Patrick T ArsenaultDungeon World: https://dungeon-world.com/ Music: Music Provided in part by Midnight Syndicate. www.MidnightSyndicate.com Additional music provided by Algal the Bard. www.youtube.com/user/alvariu and Epidemic Sound